Chapter 8

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Jayce’s words haunt me while I try to will myself to sleep.

“You’re a vampire.” His voice echoes in my thoughts, becoming more and more prominent. I finally sigh and press the red call button.

“Can I have some sugar cookies please?” I ask, trying to look cute and innocent even though I’m seventeen.

“Of course, honey.” The nurse nods, and thirty minutes later my belly is stuffed. Mmmm, cookies. I try to go back to sleep. The sugary goodness in my mouth makes me think of ponies and rainbows and cotton candy instead of creepy leech-humans. I start to fall into a deep slumber.


“Hey, did you think about what I said?” I hear Jayce’s voice.

“Can I dream about candy land and unicorns dancing on rainbows that are pink and fluffy, brain?” I groan.

“This isn’t a dream.”

“Thats what you say.”

I lift my eyes open, and I see Jayce.

“Hello.” I murmur softly. I’m still sleepy.

“You feeling better?” He asks.


Jayce sits down on the bed and caresses the sheets.

“Sorry about the shock.”

“Of what?”


“Oh, yeah, that sick joke.” I start to wake up a little bit more. “Stop playing this game with me, Jayce.”

“I’m not joking.”

“Do you think you should mess with a person who possibly has a concussion?” I snap. “I told you it isn’t funny.”

“Fine. I’ll let the signs show themselves.” I see Jayce looking around the room and then walks over to the box where you dispose of the needles. He picks the lock with something and then daintily picks a vaccine.

“What are you doing?” I ask, frightened, as Jayce closes the curtains to the hall.

“You’ll see.” Jayce picks up the needle, gripping it tightly in his hand, walking toward me. Then he sits on the bed and drags the needle across his skin, making a large gash.

“Why did you do that?” I demand. Then Jace lifts the bleeding hand and lifts it to my nose. It’s scent waft in. It smells . . .  luscious, sweet, succulent.


Without hesitation my jaws drops open and they swoop onto the cut, but Jayce quickly takes it away.

“Told you.” He smirks.

“What, no, my head just got real tired.” I try to deny the fact I am entranced by the sight of the blood dripping down his arm.

“Come on, taste it.” Jayce raises it to my mouth. “You know you want to.”

My teeth clamp into the wound, and the liquid seeps onto my tongue. Mmmm. I breathe in the scent, and I start to drink. I can’t control myself. Its too hard to . . . pull myself away from . . . mmmmm.

“Thats enough.” Jayce pulls his hand away.

“I’m sorry, I . . .” I look away.

“Its just nature.” He shrugs it off. “You aren’t full vamped out yet, but eventually the venom will take control. Drinking blood is like giving food to the vampire soldiers. It’ll probably win at some point anyway even with no blood.”

“You sure know your stuff.” I say.

“Well, I learned it all from the best. And most dangerous.” Jayce shrugs.

“Most dangerous?” I narrow my eyebrows.

“Nothing you really want to know. Or should. At all.”

“Alright then, how do we clean this up?” I look at his arm. I imagine myself, blood staining my lips and drenching my cheeks, dribbling down my chin.

“I’ll get some towels from the bathroom.”

“Don’t you need some bandaging?”

“I heal quickly.”

“Are you a . . .”

“Yeah, I am.” Jayce shrugs, then exits. “Don’t let anyone else in.”


After Jayce gets the towels and wipes off my face and his arm, I see his flesh has naturally healed over.

“Is that a vampire thing?”

“Yeah.” Jayce nods, and rubs it cautiously.

“How long have you been a vampire?”

“Five years ago, but I went off on my own a year ago. I found this dreary little town. Perfect spot to murder, nobody talks about killings in a small town.” Jayce throws the paper towels in the wastebin.

“Do you have some sort of story?”

“Oh, well,” As Jayce starts, the door cracks open.

“Dad!” I grin.

“Oh, hi honey! Is this your boyfriend?” He teases.

“No, Dad. Just a friend.” I roll my eyes.

“Well, I’ll leave you guys to it.” Jayce gives a tiny wave, and leaves.

Craving  (Old Vamp & Shapeshifter Story I Wrote)Where stories live. Discover now