Chapter 17

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“Hiiiiiiiii.” He says slowly.

“What are you doing here?” I demand.

“Oh, ah, well, ya know . . .” Jayce looks down at the ground.

“No, I don’t.” I sigh.

“I simply invited him over.” Carlos smirks.

“You didn’t invite me. You kidnapped me the minute I realized Autumn was missing.” Jayce stands up. “I can’t seriously believe you.”

“I am one of the most powerful men in the world, or have been since I killed my former master at the end of B.C. and stole all his fortune. Now sit down, I need to tell Autumn some things I found out.” Carlos taps the table, and he pulls out a chair for me to sit in. I plunk down on the cushion.

“Now then, first course is some thai noodles.” Carlos says, as he sits down.

“Thai noodles at a fancy dinner?” I narrow my eyebrows.

“Many vampires have different ethnicities. And they like to eat food related to that ethnicity. Personally I believe discriminating chinese food at a fancy banquet is like food racism.” Carlos says. “I’m from Spain and I eat a lot of spanish food. Like casadias.”

“Casadias are pretty good.” I nod.

“Exactly.” Carlos nods. “What do you think of Casadias, Jayce?”

“I think that you haven’t given me any blood for days and it’s becoming increasingly hard to maintain myself without trying to drink anyone.” Jayce growls.

“Okaaaaay, that sounds lovely.” Carlos looks a little surprised. “You shouldn’t be saying that at the dinner table.”

“You aren’t the boss of me.”

“Technically, I am. Now sit or I will rip your head off.”

Jayce hisses, and Carlos pays no attention.

After a few courses, I feel like I’m going to throw up.

“Can I use the toilet quickly?” I ask.

“Try and keep it down, baby, I’m trying to have a lovely dinner.” Carlos says, drinking a glass of blood. Gross.

“Did you just call me baby?” I demand.

“Well, ah,”

“Don’t call me baby.”

“Who says I can’t?”

“I do.”

“Okay, babe.”

“No calling me babe either.”

“What about shnooky pooky?”

“I will throw up on this tablecloth.”

“No! It cost a hundred dollars! And the china . . .”

“Then don’t act like I love you.” I jab my salad fork in a bowl of ice cream.

“Shouldn’t you be using a spoon?” Jayce asks cautiously.

“Can I be excused? Thank you.” I say, before anyone can answer. “Can someone show me back to my room? This place is a maze.”

After I find my way back to my room, I stomp over to my couch and stare down the fireplace.

Then I get an idea. Maybe, just maybe . . .

“Help me get out of here, whoever is in charge of the world.” I pray, and then I change into a sweatshirt and jeans, then I open the fireplace up, and sure enough, there’s a small stream of moonlight at the top.


I start to climb up the dark, ashy bricks, careful with my footing. I cough from my hand rubbing a brick, making a cloud of ash.

“Autumn. are you in there?” I hear Carlos call. I don’t pay any attention to him, and I keep climbing. The sooner I’m out, the better. “Autumn?”

Then I hear the door open, and footsteps.

“Autumn, where are you?” He says loudly, and I hear him bump against the side of the fireplace. I try to climb quieter. “Why is the fireplace cover knocked down?”

Then I look down. I’m not scared of falling, I’m only scared of him. Carlos’s head peeks out, and I feel queasy. He spots me right away.

“Autumn, I hope you aren’t trying to escape?” He asks.

“Nah, I’m just going to . . . sit on the roof!” I start to climb faster.

“Darling, you seem panicked.”

“What . . .no! Pshhh. Thats silly.” I start to climb up the chimney even faster, and my footing slips, but I just hoist my leg back up to a brick.

“Get down here!” Carlos crawls into the fireplace, and starts to scale the chimney, going fast but accurately. I try to climb faster, too, but then something cold and hard grasps my leg, and starts to pull me. I cling onto the bricks for dear life.

“No!” I scream, and try to kick him away, but his arms are stronger than steel. Expected, since he is a vampire and all.

“I thought I could trust you.” Carlos smiles, sickly sweet.

“Are you actually dumb enough to think I wouldn’t get the idea to climb up here?” I say, as one of my hands slip off the brick.

Then, I’m pulled down by Carlos.

“That’s it!” He grabs my arm, and drags me across the floor. “That is the final straw!”

“Umm, what do you mean?” I ask nervously.

“I mean you are becoming a vampire right this second.” He chuckles. “Then I’ll get one of my sorcerers to put a spell on you to make you completely loyal to me, just like a dog.”

“No!” I scream, as I feel adrenaline rush throughout my body. My heart pumps faster. My bones crack. My skin starts to mold into something else.

In a second, I’ve transformed into something else. My body shape is different. The only thing that remained the same is my emotions and thoughts.

I quickly glance at myself. White fur, tiger print. I’ve transformed into a white tiger. Then I look back at Carlos, and let out a slow and ominous growl, as my tail swishes back and forth like a broom. He looks surprised. I am too, but now isn’t really the time to wonder.

Carlos backs against the wall, hissing, and I lie down, ready to spring at him.

As he calls “Guards!” My paws push off the floor, and I let out a large roar as my claws come out.

Craving  (Old Vamp & Shapeshifter Story I Wrote)Where stories live. Discover now