020: date

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jungwon's p.o.v

I hastily dried my wet hair as I went outside the shower, wearing an oversize white t-shirt. Especially on weekends I didn't really care what I was wearing, as long as it was comfortable enough.

"Are you going somewhere today?" Jay asked, taking a bite from his bun, as I shook my head.

"Nah." I answered shortly and unlocked my phone, as exactly in that moment, Eunji called.

Panicking, I dropped my toast and hurriedly tried to unlock it but I failed.

"Can you press the button for me?! Please-" I asked Jay, as he rolled his eyes at me.

I mumbled a small 'thanks' before running up the stairs.

Panting slightly, I went through my dampened hair before raising an eyebrow in surprise. I didn't expect her to call me at all.

Not that U was complaining.
"Why did you call?" I asked, sounding ruder than I wanted to be.

But she didn't seem to mind, because her bright voice caught me off guard.

"Hi Jungwon! Good morning!"
Eunji's sweet voice greeted me as I nodded.

"Good morning."

"Are you free today?"
Her voice sounded so much more lively as yesterday, that it made me smile in relief.

I raised an eyebrow, before answering, "Probably, why?"

"Do you want..to go to the amusement park with me?"

jungwon's p.o.v end

eunji's p.o.v

I was surprised at myself too.
The amount of courage that took me to even dial his number was sure big, but definitely worth it.

Today I was going on a date.
With Jungwon.

Though I knew he didn't see it as a date, I wanted to make this at least unforgettable for the two of us.

This whole thing was unusual for me in the first place.
I knew that myself.

The shy, loner girl finally deciding to open up and asking out one of the most popular boy out of the whole school.

Sounds pretty daring and bold to me.

But I knew I needed to do something if I wanted Jungwon to for once see me as someone more than a friend.
It was going to be hard.

"Eunji!" Jungwon popped out of nowhere, startling me completely as I took a step back.
I probably didn't notice him arriving because I was too busy overthinking again.

He was wearing an oversize denim jacket, that made him somehow look cozy, but at the same time neat.
His hair was slightly parted in the middle and he wore a few rings, making my eyes widen.

Jungwon definitely dressed himself up and looked better than ever.

"So why did you want to go to the amusement park?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me, definitely expecting an answer.

"Because I wanted to hang out with you." I answered truthfully and tilted my head, as it was now his turn for his eyes to widen.

"Really?" He nodded, amused as he smiled,
"I'm glad you reached out to me then. Which one should we go for first?"

His voice turned all excited, making me giggle.
I didn't want to ruin all the fun by telling him I was afraid of heights so I just nodded.

I didn't want to be a coward, but seriously...out of all date options the one I had to choose was amusement park?

Damn, Jungwon for liking amusement parks the best!
I had asked Ara to ask Sunoo and eventually to ask Jungwon what his favorite place to spend time was.

And here we were.

"Whatever you want to do first." I would simply nod.

"I want to go for the Vikings one." He pointed towards a big ship, not far from us as I gulped visibly, trying to mask it by smiling weakly.

Today was really going to be harder than I thought it would be.

"Jesus christ."
Me and Jungwon both stumbled, seemingly drunken over the platform nodding to the cashier.

The Vikings were worse than the two of us thought.

"Can we sit down?" I asked, feeling how the world was spinning around me.

"Why? Are you tired already?" Jungwon quickly regained his balance and happily walked ahead as I followed him with slow steps.

When Icdidn't answer, Jungwon turned around to me, a worried expression on his face.

Oh No, not again.

"I'm alright!" I shook both my hands and smiled, as he walked towards me.

His hand swiftly grabbed mine, as he guided me towards a bench not far from here.
And I could feel my heart banging against my chest.

God, he definitely needs to stop with all the skinship or I might die from a heart attack.

"I will get something to drink." His voice turned all serious again, before he stood up.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt to stop him, "I want to try out another one." I determinedly said, as I glanced at him.

"I will let you rest for now don't worry—"

"I insist."

"Are you sure?" He raised an eyebrow and sat down next to me.


"Alright then." Holding out his hand, he put on a smile before standing up, waiting for me to grab it, "We can—"

"Jungwon? Eunji? What are you doing here?" A voice called for us not far away, as the two of us spun around.

Jungwon and me both regretted it immediately.

Because the two people walking towards us, were no one other than Sangmi and her gracious boyfriend.

With each big smiles on their faces, as they waved at us.

eunji's p.o.v end

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