First Kiss

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It was the first time you saw her in drag. You knew about it early on in your friendship/courtship/whatever the hell you were, you've seen lots of pictures, but this is your first time seeing her perform. 

It was fun and she introduced you to her friends. It also was one hell of a ride watching her perform. You learned how different she is in and out of drag. Aquaria is more sassy and confident. Aquaria is as fully realized as Giovanni is. They are so different but at the same time so similar. You loved both sides though.

After the show you hung out for a while before deciding to go home a little bit after midnight. She walked you out of the club and you felt something electric with the way your hands would lightly brush against each other, touching but not quite. The way they would put their hand on your waist and make you feel all warm inside. You're not delusional but you know they feel it too. You hope.

You don't know what it is. Not yet, at least, but you can really see yourself with this person.

Your Uber came and right as she was going to kiss you goodbye on the cheek, you felt something shift. You were almost certain you were going to kiss, you actually closed your eyes and prepared for it, but you felt her get shy and back out.

You thought she'd be more confident and as intense as Aquaria in all situations, but apparently not this one.

"Bye Y/N, have a nice night."

That damn dorky freaking Italian.

You turned her around and went for it. She wouldn't stop smiling the whole night after that.


Gigi Goode:

You kissed on your first date! It was unbelievably tiring exploring the parks the whole day, your feet hurt like hell and you were sweaty.

Everything seemed worth it though! Dinner was sort of romantic but the highlight for you was really the fireworks display at night. You both went in front of the castle to get the best view of it and it truly was magical.

You had your arms around each other watching the fireworks and it felt so relaxing after such a long day. It was the perfect end.

They were staring at you watching the display like a child staring at a piece of candy and they smiled. They held a part of your face for you to face them and went for it. Timely, a big firework popped off when your lips touched.

You were shookt.



You kissed at the airport. You were going back and you just knew it was now or never. You didn't even know when you'll get to see them again.

After a hug, you went for a 3 second long smack, just before you went in to catch your flight. You blushed. He giggled. It was cute and fluffy.


Miz Cracker:

It was pretty funny actually. You were watching a movie together in your place. At this point, you've going on dates for a fair amount of time and you were starting to see Max as a really good guy. You've known that, of course, but your feelings for him are starting to deepen.

After the movie you just carried on talking. The conversation got to the point where it just felt intimate, you felt some kind of intensity around you. 

Being the idiot Max is, he called this out by, "So... is this the part where we kiss?"

"Uhhh yeah, I think so?"

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