Adding A Queen - Adore!

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[A/N: This took me a whole lotta convincing on my behalf coz commitment issues and anxiety are bad witches. my fingers are crossed that this won't be a collosal failure :[]

I also didn't do the Valentine's day one because welp, have pity on me.]

How You Met and First Kiss

Your friend had an extra ticket to an Adore Delano show and she didn't know who else to take so guess what, you got ✨ lucky ✨!

You've watched her on Drag Race of course and listened to some of her songs, but never once met her. You weren't some obsessed fan as well, but you could say seeing her live and in person really made you have butterflies.

You silently thanked your friend for not only the free tickets, but also for snagging front row ones. Hold on to that friend, that's a cool one right there.

You looked and enjoyed the sight of her. Long colored hair, dark lips, a graphic tee and black shorts with fishnet tights and combat boots to complete the gender fvckery of it all.

You were mesmerized. Of course, you thought, anyone in the presence of a star would be.

You raised both your arms up jamming on to her vocals and jumping up and down to the sound of the beat. Not forgetting to scream out the lyrics of course.

When it came to her performing DTF, her eyes searched for someone. You stared at her as the latter looked at the whole room and when her irises caught yours, she smirked and kept the eye to eye contact with you.

[Katya in the near distance: CoNtAcT???]

Ultimately, she grabbed your hand and invited you to come onstage. Your friend cheered you on as you swear your heart almost stopped.

Laughing and wondering what the heck is going on, you put a hand over your mouth and laugh as you stare at the crowd cheering and wishing they were you right now. Adore kept singing while holding your hand.

When the post-chorus to the song came, she turned your head to face her and gave you a look meaning, "Can I kiss you?"


You smiled at her and nodded. She then proceeded to fully make-out with you onstage.

[I'm sorry, I really don't know how to nuance the situation we all know Adore c'mon.]

You can hear yourself saying "This is not real, this is not real, this is not real!" in your mind but when your lips touch once more, you get reminded that this is REAL.

After the bridge she went to singing again as you tried to process what happened. When the song ended, she kissed you once more on the cheek. You were ready to go back to your spot in the audience when she pulled you by your hand.

"What's your name, babe?"

"Y/N." you answered shyly.

"Y/N... expect to see me once more."

You went back to the audience and tried to enjoy the rest of the show despite the fact that you cannot erase what just happened.

The music hall the show was at is right next to a club so you and said friend figured to hang out there for a while. You told them about the interaction you had.

"What did that suppose to mean?"

"I don't know! It feels like a fever dream. So real yet too good to be true."

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