CH 18: My Place

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I'm not back yet. My exams are not over yet. I really missed you all of you so bad.

My exams aren't over just yet but I have a easy subject for tomorrow so I'll give you all a cute chapter today. An my other subjects have ben going well. Enjoy humans!

- Wan



Mew and his Glaze had been friends for five years and nothing seemed to change between the two. Except for the fact that now they could only meet on weekends as they both had to do the school work too. They would meet on the weekends and tell each other about their whole week. Doughnut and Glaze really were the perfect name for the two. Just like the glaze would make the doughnuts shiny, Glaze was the only one who could bring out the shine in Mew. His sunshine smile.

"You know what, Doughnut?" Glaze sighed sadly. "Why are you sad?" his Doughnut asked worriedly. Glaze smiled sadly, "My parents aren't home. They said that they will return on Tuesday." Mew nodded. Mew felt it, "My dada couldn't come home this weekend. He said that he had work. I'm going to be all alone. Even grandma passed away last year" Mew's eyes were brimming with tears again.

He hated goodbyes so much. First, his mom said goodbye to him and then never returned home. And now even grandma was gone. He was all by himself now. And so, he learned how to do all the chores by himself. He learned how to clean. He would clean the whole house every day after coming back from school. He had learned to cook from his grandma when she was still alive. He knew how to make basic dishes and his dad said that he was really good at it. He knew how to take care of himself really well.

He once baked a cake for his Glaze. The kid liked it a lot. He liked it so much that the one-kilogram weighing cake was nowhere to be seen in the next one hour. All that could be seen was a very satisfied Glaze patting his little tummy and smiling. Mew smiled like crazy then.

"So you will be all alone Doughnut?" Glaze asked, worried. Mew smiled, "Yep." And then an idea popped up in Mew's mind. He asked Glaze, "How about you sleepover at my place tonight?" Glaze's mood lifted in a split second. "I can?!" the kid asked happily. Mew nodded, "Yes, you can. But only if your parents are fine with it. I don't want them to be worried."

"Then let's go to your place. I can inform them from your telephone, right?" Glaze said as he stood up and dusted his clothes. Mew beamed his handsome smile and held out his hand for Glaze. Glaze happily held the older's hand and the two walked to Mew's house.


"Is that your mom, Doughnut?" Glaze asked pointing at the picture of a beautiful woman. Mew nodded. "She's really pretty!" Glaze exclaimed. Mew chuckled, "I know. I wish you could meet her but-" Mew couldn't continue his words, Glaze was already hugging him tightly. Glaze caressed Mew's back, "You don't have to talk about it. I don't like tears. You know that." Mew smiled mildly and kissed the younger's forehead.

"Can you watch TV? I'll take a shower till then," Mew suggested. Glaze frowned, "Why can't we shower together?" Mew chuckled, "So you want to shower with me?" Glaze nodded again and again. Mew prepared the tub for them and went to his closet to find something for Glaze to wear. He couldn't let his Nong sleep in those uncomfortable clothes.

Once the bath was prepared, Mew asked Gulf to come with him. They were sitting in the tub facing each other. "Did your parents really allow you to stay here?" Mew asked. Glaze looked at him, "My mom said that she is fine with it and my dad can never go against her words. My uncle will pick me up tomorrow, at the pond." And then he went back to playing with the bubbles. Mew was thirteen and he knew that he was having some feeling for the younger. He was old enough to understand this much that he didn't think of Glaze as just a friend or Nong. He knew he started to like him.

After bathing the two went to Mew's room to put on clothing. "Here, wear this," Mew said passing a t-shirt and underwear to Glaze. Glaze looked at his Doughnut. "The underwear is new. And I can't find any lowers that will fit you. My t-shirt should already be pretty large for you." Mew replied to those unvoiced questions. Glaze smiled at how his doughnut understood him so well. The t-shirt reached Glaze's mid-thigh and the neck of it was too wide. It showed off the collarbone and slid off his shoulders a little. Mew patted his head, "I'll go make dinner for us." Glaze followed him like a tail.

They were both going to sleeping on Mew's bed, together. "Are you uncomfortable?" Mew asked the younger. Glaze shook his head.



"Can I hug you to sleep?"

"Sure, you can."

That's all it took for the younger to put one leg on Mew. His head on Mew's shoulder. And his one hand across Mew's abdomen. Mew smiled and took his arm from under Glaze's head and hugged him. Now Glaze was resting his head on Mew's chest. Mew's heart to be exact. Mew kissed his forehead, "Good night, Glaze." Glaze kissed Mew's jaw, "Good night, my Doughnut."


Glaze and Mew were by the pond talking about how their lives had changed. "My dada got married again..." Mew said sadly. Glaze asked, "So how is your new mom? Is she as good as you want?" Mew sighed, "She... she is weird" Glaze frowned, "What do you mean by weird?" Mew made a sad face and Glaze hugged him. "She... treats me really well when dada is home. But when he's not there, she mostly ignores me," Mew stated. "I don't know why, but she doesn't like me," Mews laid down on the grass.

Glaze frowned worse, "Why don't you tell your dada about this?" Mew smiled, "He won't believe me. I don't have proof. I even got an elder sister now." Gulf's eyes became sad, "So now... you'll play with her? I don't want her to be my friend! I only want my Doughnut!" Glaze was rioting. Mew shushed him, "She won't be your friend. And I won't play with her." Gulf stared at him in confusion.

"My new sister hates me. She wants everything I have and so I can't let her know about you. Or she might take you from me too" there was fear in Mew's voice. Glaze smiled at him, "I will never leave my Doughnut. And she seems evil to me. How can she take everything from you?" Mew smiled in content, "I don't care whatever she takes from me. All I need is you. And you just said that you won't go to her." Glaze kissed Mew's cheek. And this made Mew blush. By now, he was sure that he has a crush on his Glaze.


Let's see how it goes now that Pling and Jenna have entered the tale.

Please vote and comment.

- Wan <3


I'm not officially back yet. Still on hiatus 'cause of the rest of the subjects. But mark this that I will give you an end to Mew's past on next Friday as it's my last exam. And then we'll have a lot of GulfMew time together na~

Also go and sign up this petition. The link's on my message board too.

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