CH 28: I Know Nothing!

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Mew was not coming to work regularly. He would come some days but would rather work from home most of the time. His dressing had changed big time. Earlier, he would be wearing fitted shirts and pants, holding his head high with dignity and seriousness evident in his eyes. But now, he wore much looser and comfy clothes. A baby bump full of three babies is not at all easy to hide especially when you are already four months pregnant.

Mew was already having a hard time because of his clothes. His old clothes just won't fit him anymore. He had to get so many new clothes that were much larger in size than he ever imagined he would have to ever wear. "I didn't sign up for this life!" Mew would exclaim every time he looked at his favorite shirts catching dust in a corner of the wardrobe. But Mew loved his peanuts much more than his shirts and even his husband at times.

The children were not even born yet and Gulf was already jealous of them. When Mew would fall asleep, Gulf would talk to his peanuts to have a father-to-children talk. He would tell the three, "When you're out and with us, please give daddy and mommy some personal time na, my sweet little puppies." He had one thing clear for this lifetime. And that was- "No one comes between me and my Doughnut. Not even our own puppies."

Mew was fine with this clingy and possessive nature of his stupid husband. It made him feel wanted and needed. He had wanted a person to be with him like this, to cling to him, to love him, someone for him to love. And he found it all in Gulf. He knew that once the peanuts will be born, Gulf will love them just like he loves Mew. Unconditionally.

Mew knew that whatever Gulf said was just temporary. He knew Gulf would be the most smitten father on this planet.

But Mew had noticed the changes in everyone's attitude in the office. People were acting weird. He wasn't sure if they really were acting weird or he thought so because of his raging hormones. People other than his team tried to avoid talking to him. Some would look at him weirdly. They would have either confusion, sympathy, or somewhat disgust in their eyes? Mew did not understand why would they look at him with furrowed brows and evident disgust.

The rumors that Jenna had conversed with the receptionist lady about a week ago, were already spread in the whole place like wildfire. But Mew had not heard anything about it himself. He was clueless about the damage that had been done to his image by his spiteful step-sister. There was a storm coming towards the unaware pregnant man.

Gulf and Mew had moved to the Kanawut Mansion as Fon instructed. Gulf knew he could not take care of Mew all on his own and did not want to leave him in the care of some house help. He would only trust his mother when it came to Mew and their children. And Mew was happy as he loved the company of the old couple. He found their baseless bickering fun. And how they would reconcile by the end of the day would make Mew fantasize about his own future.

He dreamt of having a long and lovely life with his husband. Mew wanted to see Gulf till their hair would turn grey and they won't be able to work anymore. When their triplets and maybe more kids would be looking after their business and they would be enjoying their life peacefully and stress-free. He wanted to mock his handsome husband when he would grow wrinkles all over. When Gulf would become toothless and lose his eyesight. Mew was only pregnant for the first time and he was already daydreaming about how his grandchildren would run around the house. How he and Gulf will tell them bedtime tales and look after them when their kids are busy.

Today, Mew decided to go to the office as he was getting bored of not seeing his husband around. At least at the office, he got to see his husband. Mew loved to see that dominant look on Gulf's face that he would have only on the office.

Gulf had set a desk for Mew inside his cabin. Mew was only allowed to go office if he was ready to have his desk right beside Gulf. Gulf never let Mew out of his sight. Everyone just thought that Gulf was being a clingy husband but they did not know of Mew having his peanuts.

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