CH 24: Care To Inform!?

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The food was getting cold and Mew was still not downstairs. And there didn't seem to be any signs of him coming down either. Gulf got worried, "What's taking him so long?" He went to their room. Mew wasn't in there. "Mew, are you in the bathroom?" Gulf asked. "Yeah" Mew replied. "What's taking you so long? The food's cold already" Gulf asked worriedly. "Oh -okay. Just a minute," Mew replied in a breaking voice.

Gulf got worried by the tone and rushed to the bathroom but the door was locked. He panicked.


I've been having intuitions. Bad ones. The month has almost ended but my periods still have not arrived. It's making me anxious. Am I pregnant? But it could also be one of those times when my periods just skipped and will be there next month. But... what if I really am pregnant?

I went to the convenience store to buy snacks and some things. Then I stopped by at the pharmacy to buy pregnancy test kits. I bought about ten of those. These are not a hundred percent accurate, right? The man behind the counter smirked at me teasingly. He must be thinking that I'm getting this for my girlfriend or wife. Whereas, I am the wife for whom I am buying this.

When I got back home, I put down the bag with snacks. I told my husband that I'll go freshen up first and he just nodded. Every step I took towards the bathroom, my anxiety grew higher. If I am pregnant, we'll have to tell mom and dad about my whole condition. I might have to stop working. People will start judging Gulf. That's right, I am not worried about myself but Gulf. I've been humiliated all my life so a big belly is just a piece of cake for me. But Gulf has never been in a situation like that. I don't want to see him worried.

I was sitting on the toilet sheet. I already took four of those tests. Why do these things take so much time! My first test was negative. Second, positive. Third, positive. Fourth, negative. I don't know if I should be stressed or happy. Do I really have Gulf's children swimming in my flat tummy? I put my hand on my abdomen. I have abs, well-defined ones. These will fade because of pregnancy, right? Damn!

I proceeded to take the rest of the tests. Fifth one was also positive. Sixth turned negative. Seventh too negative. Four tests have turned negative and three positive. This is stressing me out. I proceeded to take the eighth test. I turned out positive. I sighed, in both, relief and anxiety.

I had just opened the ninth test when I heard Gulf. "Mew, are you in the bathroom?" Gulf asked. "Yeah," I replied. "What's taking you so long? The food's cold already" Gulf asked worriedly. "Oh -okay. Just a minute," I replied in a breaking voice.

My voice was breaking because even this test was positive. I was smiling like crazy. I felt some tears trickling down my face. I really do have babies in me. Babies that Gulf and I made. But I snapped to reality when I heard violent knocks on the door. Must be Gulf. I quickly took the tenth test, the last one. Positive. I put all the tests on the basin and wiped the tears off my face and went to open the door.


Mew opened the door and met with a worried Gulf. Gulf entered the bathroom and started checking on Mew. Gulf checked Mew's arms, face, he pulled up his shirt to check his chest and back but nothing there. Gulf let out a breath of relief. Mew hugged him close, "I didn't hurt myself, you idiot." Gulf closed his eyes and hugged Mew back. "Why were you taking so long? Do you have any idea how crazy I went? I thought you did something to yourself. Please don't lock the bathroom door from now on," Gulf blurted out.

Mew chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You're so cute, hubby. I'll go downstairs now," Mew said leaving his husband there alone. Gulf didn't understand why Mew left him there. They could have gone down together. He scanned the place carefully and something on the basin caught his eyes.

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