Chapter 15 ◇ Maybe I was wrong ◇

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Dandelion's perspective:
It's been two days since we saw 5SOS live. I've still been texting Calum but not as much as before the club incident. I can't believe that's even a thought of mine. I miss him to be honest. I should have told him my intentions before dancing with him in the club. I should have fought to stay with him a bit longer at the park. I shouldn't have left. I think the feelings I used to have for him are returning.

I suppose maybe I was wrong about the whole Calum and I not standing a chance at a relationship thing. A lot has happened these past few weeks that prove that thought to be false. I just hope I get the chance to make up with him. I think I want to be his girlfriend but if he doesn't like me like that I'm willing to just be his friend. I just want him in my life anyway I can get him.

It's funny how around a week ago I was thinking about how I should be mad at my friends for trying to set me up with Calum; but right now my thoughts are that I should thank them. Should I thank them? I guess they kind of did know me better than I knew myself when they came up with that plan. I go on our groupchat and type a message to them. Dandelion: Thanks for trying to set me up with Calum, u both made me realise that I in fact still do have feelings for him.
Lorna: You're welcome
Alexis: Ahh she finally admits it, no problem Dani.
Dandelion: I messed up though, I don't know if I'll get to be with him.
Alexis: Call him!
Lorna: Yes do that before I come to your room and grab your phone and call him for you. I giggle at Lorna's message. I then go to my contacts and click his number and click the call button. Here goes nothing.

The phone in my hand rings for a bit until he finally picks up. "Hi Lilion" he greets through the phone. "Hi Callie" I greet him back through the phone. "You busy?" I ask him. "Not really, I haven't got much to do today, I didn't expect you to call me though" he replies to me. "I miss you, can you come over to my house? I feel like we never properly talked through the club incident" I tell him. "Sure I'd love to" he replies to me. I then tell him my address. "When do you want me to be there?" He asks me. "In about an hour?" I ask him. "Alright I'll be there" he replies to me. "See you then" I reply back to him. "See you later" he responds back to me. He then cuts the call. I smile to myself. I can't believe he agreed to come over. Oh my God! Shit! I have just an hour to get ready. He'll be here soon!

I rush to Lorna's room. "Help!" I yell. "What's wrong?" She asks me. "Calum will be here in an hours time and I have absolutely no idea what to wear!" I shout. She laughs. "Fine, I'll help you find something" she replies to me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're a life saver" I tell her. She laughs again. "I haven't even done anything to help you out yet" she replies to me. "Yeah but you agreed to help me" I reply back to her. "Let's go find the perfect outfit and then I'll accept your thank yous" she responds to me. "That's fair" I respond back. The two of us then head to my room.

We go straight to the closet side of my room. We search though each article of clothing I own. We finally find something which fits the occasion; it's a casual meet up so it doesn't need to be so showy. We chose a skirt and a top. I then add a simple heart necklace to the outfit. "Thanks for your help" I tell Lorna. "You're welcome" she replies to me. She then leaves my room. I change into the outfit we chose. I then put on some light make up.

After a few minutes the doorbell rings. I rush to open the door. "Hi" Calum greets me. "Hi" I greet him back. "How have you been?" I ask him as he enters the house. "I've been fine, you?" he replies to me and asks me the same thing. "I've been alright" I tell him. Lorna then appears in our living room. Calum and I take a seat on the couch. "Hi" she greets him. "Hi" he greets back. "Would you like anything to drink?" She asks him. "I think just a glass of water will do" he replies to her. "Sure, I'll get you one" she responds to him leaving the room.

"Did anyone follow you here?" I ask Calum curiously. "Surprisingly no" he replies to me. "That's good, does it get annoying having people follow you around a lot of the time?" I reply and ask him another question. "Of course it does, but I don't mind it sometimes, it really depends on my mood" he answers. "I'm sorry about the club and park incident" I tell him. "It's alright, I've already forgiven you" he replies to me. "Thanks, I just think I've been an idiot this whole time and I didn't really think about my actions hurting you like I think I forgot you had feelings too or something I should have just told you about Chase being there and I should have stayed at the park and explained myself better" I reply back to him. "It was a mistake, I was hurt by it but I'm fine now, I'm over that, I know it must have been difficult for you having recently broken up with Chase and then you notice that he's moved on from you immediately, you weren't in a good mindset and I understand why you did what you did at the club and at the park I basically told you to leave" he responds back to me.

Lorna then enters the room with a glass of water for Calum. "Sorry I took so long there were no clean glasses available so I had to wash one" she tells him as she hands him the glass of water. "It's fine" he replies to her. "So, what were you two talking about?" She then asks us. "Just about the last time we saw each other" he replies to her. "Yep, we were talking about that" I confirm. "I promised Alexis I'll go to the club with her tonight, I gotta go, I'll see you both later" she tells us. "Bye, see you later" I reply to her. "Bye" Calum replies to her too. Lorna then goes to her room and gets changed and leaves the house.

"Lilion, I really want to tell you something" Calum tells me. "What is it Callie?" I ask him curiously. "I'm in love with you" he replies to me. I laugh. He scrunches his face at my laughing. "You don't have to pretend that you fell in love with me because my friends told you to" I reply back to him. "What?" He asks genuinely confused at my words. "I thought Alexis and Lorna told you to pretend that you fell in love with me?" I tell him making it more of a question. "Lilion, they did no such thing" he answers me. Wait, what?! So he meant it? Calum Hood really loves me. Is this a repeat of one of the dreams I had as a teenager? I pinch myself. "Ouch!" I yell in pain. Now he's the one laughing. "Not funny, I hurt myself" I tell him pouting. "Is it really that unbelievable?" He asks me.

Oh my God! What the hell is even happening right now? "Yes" I reply to Calum. Do I even love him back? Am I ready to say it back? Ahh! I don't know what to do? Why am I fangirling in my head? I guess the feelings I had for him never left. Wait, so if I love him and he loves me back we might be able to make something work, right? I mean the main reason I did doubt that I'll ever be in a relationship with him was that I'll never meet him. We know each other now though; I met up with him multiple times this month and told him things I would only tell someone I know. "Lilion!" Calum shouts snapping me out of my thoughts and I flinch. "Sorry" he tells me. "It's fine Callie" I tell him. We already have nicknames for each other too. I think our relationship will work after all.

"I understand if you say no, but I was wondering, would you like to be my girlfri-" Calum asks me but I cut him off before he could finish. "Yes! Of course!" I reply ecstatically. "I didn't realise this earlier, but I'm in love with you too" I tell him. "Can I kiss you?" He asks me. "Sure" I reply to him. Then we kiss; it's magical and the best kiss I've had in my life so far. "I love you" he tells me breaking the kiss. "I love you too" I reply to him.

I can't believe I'm in a relationship with someone I never expected I would ever be in a relationship with. Maybe I had given up on it too soon. My previous relationship messed me up too. I'm finally happier now though. I'm ecstatic for everyday I spend with my lover Calum Hood.

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