Chapter 10 ◇ A lot to think about ◇

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Dandelion's perspective:
We finally get back to our homes after our shopping trip. I lie down on my bed. A lot has happened recently. First I break up with Chase cause I realised that he wasn't the one for me. Then I go to the shopping centre and have fun with my friends until that's eventually ruined as I see that Chase has already moved on from me. Then after that my friends admit to trying to set me up with my former celebrity crush.

I still can't believe that Chase already moved on from me. Did I really mean that little to him that he had to get another girl without even waiting for at least a day to find someone new? Do I find someone too to show him I'm over him too? No I'm not ready to move on yet. Maybe a girls night out would be good for me though. My friends have been trying to set me up with Calum too and I don't even know if I have the feelings I used to have for him anymore. Maybe I didn't actually get over him? Maybe they're still there? I don't know. I think I should be mad at them. I mean they tried setting me up with a guy while I was still in a relationship. I wonder if Calum loves me. I kind of doubt that he actually does. I mean my friends probably told him to pretend to love me. That's kind of weird to think about.

Was I really only dating Chase cause I wanted to prove to myself I was over my crush on Calum? I mean Alexis did point out he was the first guy to ask me out. I said yes to him, but did I really want him? Or was I just using him to help me get over my crush on Calum? I did love Chase. I wouldn't have been in a relationship with him for 2 years if I didn't love him, right? I'm so confused. I guess I probably didn't have feelings for him in the start of our relationship but they developed after some time.

I then get out of my bed. I knock on Lorna's room door. After a few minutes she opens it. "Hi Dani" she greets me gesturing for me to enter her room. "Hi Lori" I greet her back whilst taking a seat on her bed. "How are you feeling?" She asks me. "A bit better now since I've had time to think about stuff" I tell her. "That's nice to hear" she replies to me. "I was wondering, can we have a girls night out soon?" I ask her. "Sure, I would love that" she replies to me. "When shall we go?" I question her. "Tomorrow at 9:00 pm is fine I guess, are we inviting Lexi to join us?" She answers and asks me a question back. "Of course, the more the merrier" I reply. I then pick up my phone and type her a message to invite her to our girls night out. She messages me back accepting our invitation. I leave Lorna's room.

It's starting to get a bit late now. I do my night-time routine. I then go back to my room and lie down on my bed. Thank God I managed to clear my head earlier; sleeping would have been impossible if I hadn't. I then try to sleep. After a few minutes I eventually manage to get to sleep. Some hours pass and it's eventually morning. I wake up. I then go to my bathroom to freshen up for the day. After I'm done in the bathroom I head to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

I decide to have cereal. I take out one of my bowls and put some cereal in it then I take the milk out of the fridge and add it to my cereal. I then get a spoon and go to the living room and turn the TV on and watch a random show whilst I sit on the couch eating my cereal. After I've finished eating I put my bowl and spoon in the sink. I then get my cup to make myself some coffee in. Lorna isn't up yet. I'm sure it won't be too long before she is awake though. I'm glad that I've stopped crying over Chase. I'm not ready for another relationship but I think it's safe to say I'm over him. I then finish making my coffee and go back to the living room and sit on the couch.

Lorna wakes up a few minutes later. She does everything she does in the morning and then joins me on the couch. "So you decided what you're wearing tonight?" She asks me. "Not yet, what about you?" I reply and ask her the same thing back. "Yeah, I found my outfit after you left my room last night" she replies to me. "Can you help me choose an outfit?" I ask her. "Sure, I'd love to" she replies back to me. "Thanks" I respond to her. "You're welcome" she responds back.

Lorna and I then go to my room. We immediately go to the closet side of the room. I want to wear something sexier than what I would usually wear to the club. I'm a single lady now I can wear what I want. When I was with Chase he would get annoyed with me for "showing too much skin". I never went to a nightclub before I was dating him since I was underage and wouldn't be allowed in. Lorna is here to help me pick out an outfit as I might end up picking an outfit which is like something that I would pick during the times I would go out while I was dating Chase.

"What about this?" Lorna asks me snapping me out of my thoughts gesturing to a short glittery strappy dress. "Ooh yeah, I love it" I reply to her. "I've never seen you wear this, is it new?" She points out and asks me a question. "No, Chase never allowed me to wear dresses like that in public" I answer her question. "Ugh! That control freak!" She shouts not frustrated with me but frustrated with him. "I know, he didn't want me 'to show too much skin'" I reply to her. We then pick out some heels, jewellery, a jacket and a handbag to complete my outfit. "To be honest with you, I'm thrilled that you broke up with Chase" she tells me. "After thinking about his faults and everything, I have to say that I agree with you, I'm better off without him" I reply to her.


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