Chapter 7 ◇ We're over ◇

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Dandelion's perspective:
We reach Chase's house. He unlocks his door and pushes me inside. I yelp in pain landing on his carpeted floor. He then gets in himself and locks the door behind him. "How did you end up that close to him?!" He asks me as he shouts annoyed with me. "We met at Alexis' party and then we saw each other again when Alexis invited us over for brunch at a cafe. Then today I saw him at the table he sat at alone so I decided to sit with him" I reply to him. "I don't want you hanging out with him again" he replies back to me.

"You don't get to decide who hangout with and who I don't hangout with!" I shout furious with Chase. "No I do, you're mine and only mine and I don't want you hanging out with conceited and spoilt celebrities" he tells me. "Calum isn't c-" I start to defend him but he cuts me off. "Don't you even try to defend him!" He shouts to me. "You don't even know him!" I shout back at him. "No I don't, but all celebs are the same; stuck up losers that think they can have anything or anyone they want" he tells me. I glare at him. "Baby, I just want to protect you from annoying celebs who'll ruin your life" he tells me. "You can't be sure that he will ruin my life!" I shout back in reply. "Oh but I know he will" he replies to me.

"He won't!" I yell at Chase. "Why are you on his side?!" He yells back. "I'm not, you're just judging someone you don't even know" I tell him. "I know what people like him are like" he replies to me. "You can't just assume that he's like every other celeb" I tell him. "It seems to me like you've already fallen head over heels for him!" He yells at me. "I have not!" I argue back. "You'll be just a toy to him and he'll leave you after a while, but to me you're my girl who I'll keep forever" he tells me.

"You sound extremely jealous" I tell Chase. "I'm not jealous, I just think you're gonna end up cheating on me with him" he replies to me. How could he think that? Why doesn't he trust me? How many times do I need to tell him that he's the only guy I want to be  in a relationship with right now? How could he even think I would cheat on him? I wouldn't dare to do anything like that. He gets mad at me whenever I hangout with any guy that isn't him. I can be friends with a guy without falling for him. "What is wrong with you? Why would I do that to you?" I ask him. "Because you're a slut, just like every girl is" he tells me. "What did you just call me and all the girls in the world?!" I ask him annoyed at him. "A slut" he replies to me. "Why are you even dating me if you think I'm a slut?!" I ask still annoyed with him. "I have no choice, I don't want to live alone forever and I'm not gay" he replies to me.

Does he even love me? He's making me doubt it by each second that passes. How did I not see this side of him earlier? I guess I did but I hoped he would change. I hoped he would eventually fall for me with time. How did I give up on Calum without even knowing him, but give this demon a million chances? Yes I did just call Chase a demon. He's hurt me too much and I've had enough. I hate to admit this but Lorna has been right all along. I totally get why she hates him. He doesn't really care for anyone, judges people he doesn't even know and keeps trying to make decisions for me like I have no mind of my own.

"Chase, we're done!" I shout at him. "What?!" He asks angrily. "I'm breaking up with you" I tell him. "No you're not!" He yells at me furiously. "Yes I am!" I yell back at him. "You're not breaking up with me because only I get to decide whether or not we're breaking up" he tells me. Add unfair to his darkside. "I don't agree with that" I tell him. "You're mine and I'm not letting you get away so easily" he replies to me. "I'm not yours anymore, you're not the only person in this relationship" I tell him. "Fine then leave, you're replaceable anyway, I could easily find someone a million times better than you" he replies to me. I try do my best to hold in my tears. Words hurt; they always do no matter who says them. "Whatever, I'm out of here" I reply making my way towards his door. I still somehow manage keep my tears from flowing. I refuse to cry in front of this asshole. He then unlocks the door and shoves me out.

I call a taxi to take me back to my house. A few minutes later it arrives. He really made me feel worthless. I don't get how I managed to survive in a relationship with him for two whole years. I was so stupid. The taxi finally reaches my house. I pay the driver and get out. As soon as the taxi is out of sight my tears start to fall. I walk towards the door. I then open the door.

"You're back!" Lorna tells me excitedly. She then notices me crying. "Oh sweetie, what happened?" She asks me. "I don't want to talk about it" I tell her. "Aww that's alright, promise me you'll tell me about it later though?" She replies and asks me a question. "I promise" I answer her. "What can I do to cheer you up?" She asks me. "Maybe stay with me in my room and let's watch a movie and have popcorn and ice-cream" I reply to her. "Sure, let's do that" Lorna tells me. She brings the ice-cream while I bring the popcorn to my room. We then end up watching a horror movie.

A few hours pass and the movie has finished as well as the ice-cream and popcorn have finished. At least that gave me a much needed break from every awful thought Chase has put into my mind. It won't be long before all the awful thoughts come flooding back into my mind.

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