Chapter 13 ◇ Doubting everything ◇

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Calum's perspective:
Maybe she does like me back. I mean she did ask me to dance with her at the club. That's a good sign, right? Maybe that means I could ask her out soon. I hope she's coming to the concert that we're playing here soon. I just want to see her as much as I can.

I then do my morning routine and then head to the cafe place in the hotel to get breakfast. I see Ashton seated at one of the tables. "Good morning!" I greet him as I approach his table. "Good morning!" He greets back. "I'm gonna sit with you once I get my breakfast, okay?" I tell him. "Sure" he replies to me. I then go to the buffet area of the cafe.

I pick out everything I want from the buffet and put it on my plate. I then make my way to the table Ashton is seated at. I put my plate down on the table. I then take a seat opposite him. "How are you?" Ashton asks me. "I'm good thanks, you?" I reply and ask him the same thing back. "I'm fine thanks" he replies to me. "How are things going with you and Dandelion?" He questions me. "Good I guess" I answer him. "I think you need to talk to her" he tells me. "Wait, what? Why?" I ask him.

"While you were dancing with her she was focussed on another couple, she even managed to make them leave. I'm worried she's gonna hurt you Cal" Ashton tells me. Great! Just when I think things could actually be working out this happens. "I suppose I'll have to talk to her then" I reply to him. "You should, good luck" He replies back to me. "Thanks" I respond to him. "You're welcome" he responds back to me. A few minutes later we're both done with breakfast and go back to our rooms.

I sit on the bed in my hotel room. What could that mean? Is it appropriate for me to ask her about it? It's not like we're dating. Maybe asking her about it would make matters worse? But then again she asked me to dance with her to chase people out of the club without telling me about it? I think I should just talk to her about it. I'll talk to her about it in person though. This seems like a conversation that should be talked about in person.

I pick up my phone. I decide to send Dandelion a text. Calum: Hi, can we meet up? I want to discuss something. I type out and hit send. I wonder if she is panicking reading that. I hope not. I don't want her to be stressed about this. Then my phone pings with a message. Dandelion: Hi sure, time and place? She answers my text. Calum: The park near my hotel at 4:00 pm, is that okay? I type my reply to her text. A few minutes later she sends me a text to reply. Dandelion: Yeah that's fine, I'll see you then. She replies to my message. Calum: Okay, see you. I type back.

A few hours later I go to the cafe place for lunch. I sit at one of the tables. I pick up the menu. I look through the meals. Just then a waiter arrives at my table. I order my desired food and drink. It's about 2 hours until I see Dandelion again. My drink arrives and I start slowly sipping it. About 10 minutes later my food arrives too and I begin eating it. I then finish eating my food and drinking my drink about 15 minutes later. I pay for it and then go back to my room again.

I then pick out an outfit to wear to meet Dandelion in. I pick a t-shirt and jeans. I then put them on and then I put my sneakers on too. I then style my hair a bit since it got kind of messy. I then take my phone, wallet and room key and put them in my pocket. I then leave the room.

I walk to the park nearby. I gave Dandelion the address of the hotel earlier so she knows where to meet me. I then finally reach the park and take a seat on one of the benches. Suddenly I see Dandelion making her way towards me. "Hi" I greet her. "Hi" she greets back talking a seat next to me on the bench.

"I hope I didn't manage to get you worrying about me when I sent you that text" I tell Dandelion. "To be honest, it kinda did worry me" she replies to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you worried" I tell her. "So, what is it you wanna talk about?" She asks me curiously. "When you asked me to dance with you in the club was it your intention to chase some people out of the club?" I reply with the question I want the answer to. "Well I did want to make Chase and his new girl jealous, but that wasn't the only reason I asked you to dance with me" she answers me.

Wait, what? Why didn't she tell me about that when she asked me to dance with her? She led me to believe she liked me back. Does she like me back? I get why she would want to make Chase jealous, since he is an asshole and he moved on from her too quickly. Should I be mad at her? I'm so confused on what I should do.

"Calum!" Dandelion shouts snapping me out of my thoughts making me flinch. "Oh yeah, sorry I was just lost in thought" I reply to her. "Are you annoyed with me?" She asks me in a sad tone. "I don't know Dandelion" I reply to her. "If it helps I had a lot of fun dancing with you" she replies back to me. "I'll keep that in mind" I respond to her. "Do you want me to leave?" She asks me her sad tone returning. "I think that would be for the best" I reply to her. "Alright" she replies back to me. She then stands up and walks away from me.

I then go back to the hotel. I go to my room and unlock the door and enter my room and lock it again. There's still a lot I need to think through. I need to figure out whether I should forgive Dandelion or not.

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