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Meanwhile with the Fred and Gold in the backroom Goldie is about to wake up

"F-freddy" "hehe hey Gold how you feeling" "b-better" *brings Goldie closer to his chest* "*Hack Hack*sorry Fr-fred can you not hold me so tight" "o-oh ok sorry" "....can I-I see Bonnie" "of course why would I say no" Goldie shrugged he was also trying to figure out why he asked did he feel like he was trapped maybe ."Come on Bonnie will be happy to see you" Freddy stood up from off the bed helped Gold get up from his bed and held his hand to help him stand and walk cause he was still a little shaky and still had to find his balance Freddy opened the door and everyone was extra nice to him and Foxy just stayed out of Golds way trying not to ruin the moment and kinda annoyed that Gold was the center of attention "wh-wheres Bonnie" Goldie asked with a kinda scared tone it was like he was scared that Bonnie was hurt "oh he's in the kitchen" Chica said pointing to the kitchen or at least the side of the restaurant it was on "oh ok thanks Chica" Goldie said as he got up "woah ok you good for standing and walking" Freddy asked for Golds sake so when he walked he didn't smash his face in the cold tiles "Yeah I'm fine" Goldie said without stuttering and without his voice cracking "ok well go see your boyfriend" Goldie heard Freddy say Gold already was facing away there wasn't a reason to hide hi- face Goldie finally realised Why Bonnie was weird the reason he was walking away hiding his face he finally realised running to the kitchen with a big smile on his face and his face still red "I thought he'd say something" Freddy said to Chica kinda disappointed he didn't get a big reaction out of gold .

(if you need a refresh go read the first chp it's super short or just allow me to explain in the start Gold was trying to figure out why Bonnie has been weird everytime hiding his face simply walking away now he knew why ok back to the story)

He grabbed the the door and through it open "BONNIE I-" he called out "l-love y-ou" he said scanning the room "Bonnie where" he was saying till his feet hit a straw string bag

Goldies pov: huh well this must be his well maybe he is in his room Gold said till he heared mike yell "YOU ALL GOT A BUCKET ALOUD OF ASKS SO EVERYONE SIT YOU BUTTS DOWN" ooookk then let's go sit down and read these asks and answer your guys questions

Everyone sat down and answered questions "For Freddy, if you could say something to your past self, what would it be?" "ohh that's a tough one umm ugh I can't- well like how far back like if it was 1986 then I would say um love your brother while you have him but if it was 1997 then I would say be nice to Goldie so yeah that's it I think" another one read "Goldie are you ok?" "yep I'm better" Goldie said looking at the floor then looking at the board "Chica what do you think about Goldie" "he's cool when he's not burning down my kitchen" "oh come on that was a long time ago" "and I still don't trust you to watch it" "*Goldie mumbles*" Chica shook her head in disbelief and looked away from him "Freddy does Foxy know Bonnie and Goldie were cuddling" "Yes .I .Do" Foxy said angrily "Your just jealous" Goldie said trying not to laugh

Freddy and everyone sep foxy:o.o

"ok here's one uh umm" "What is it!" Goldie said happily "uhmm Freddy can you come here and read it in your head" Freddy followed chica's instructions the question read (Freddy has Goldie ever cut himself) "I-I ah y-I don't know ahh uhm" Freddy sat back down "he has" "WHO are you talking about" Goldie said annoyed in the fact that they won't tell him

"Nothing Gold it's fine" Chica said insurcing him Chica gave that look to Freddy the look that says we're talking about this later with only one look at that person "anyways let's continue" Chica said making Fred jump a bit "Goldie what's your favourite prank you have pulled off" Chica said in a semi happy tone "uhmm oh thats a tough one I'd probably say the one I did on foxy with that spare mask it was so worth it"

( -:

"wow" Foxy said sarcastically "well then let's continue" the crew answered some more questions but in the vents was the bunny(YALL FREAKING GUESSED IT BUT WANT MY EPIC REVEAL)

??? pov: I was making my way to where they were then a board popped up and it read you said payment, what type of payment exactly? Money or something like that? "Well first of all I've done him favours I'm the one who got him all that kidnapping stuff and without me he wouldn't have that bunny and that toy bear and honestly there's one thing I want that he stole from me."-


"To everyone do not go near the golden plush cause if you do you probably have to fight Freddy" Chica read off the board "also Freddy I dare you to hug goldie" "ok-" Freddy said till Goldie yelled "DON'T TOUCH MEHHH!!!!.. I AM NOT A GOLDEN PLUSH I'M AN ADULT" "your 13-" "SHUT THE F@(( UP!!" "GOLDEN FREDDY LANGUAGE!!" Freddy yelled over Chica saying he was 13 and Goldie swearing "You can't talk to anybody like that your lucky I'm feeling bad for you or you would be in trouble ok" "ok sorry faz you know I hate being babied" Gold said putting his feet on the table "put your feet down to" Gold gave Freddy are you kidding me look and mumble while putting his feet down "what was that I couldn't hear you" Freddy said in a smart alec tone "ok Freddy lets go talk" about what Gold asked Chica before Freddy and her left "about y-important stuff" Chica said grabbing Freddy's hand and pulling him down the hallway far away from anyone "so when did you see the cuts on his arm" "w-well they weren't cuts a-and it happened twice first was in 1987 like a week before the bite bu-but there was this time like a month ago when Henry said gold has been weird and he said to check on him so I grabbed him and well do you remember when I pulled Golden Freddy out of the room randomly" "uhh yeah and he was wearing a weird eyepatch" "well I asked him if he was ok he said he was great but I grabbed him by his shoulder and ripped of the eye patch and ther-" *fred starts to cry and breakdown* "there was oil *sob* uhhm and his pupil was almost covered I- couldn't see it AND I- I-.. I hit him INSTEAD OF" *fred trough his hand to the side not knowing what to do with it* "You know asking if he's ok of if he needed help I asked him why he would do this" *Freddy is now full on crying and sobbing "Freddy your not understanding the point, the point is you did care you asked why he'd did it" "he-he DI-do you know what he'd said he said because I hated him I- ANOTHER BAD THING MY-my fault it was all my fault and he- he just ran away crying I didn't say sorry or I-I- .. HECK I didn't know what to say I gave up trying to feel bad for him when he first came out of the back room so even if I had something nice to say I couldn't say it"

Freddy cried he let everything out he needed it as much as gold did and Chica comforted him but g-gold over heard everything he wished he didn't though

Golden Freddy's pov: I swung my head to the clock it was 5:58 oh shi- I ran to the backroom and rammed into the door the last thing I remember was Freddy looming over me and trying to get me up and ask me if I was ok but soon I passed out-.

HAHAA Cliff hanger also my au shadow bon look diffrent so wit his cool entrence I'll show a drawing and it WILL be my drawing ok BYEEE BEAN OUT (ps wit was NOT a typeo)

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