Brother Bear(in other words i dont flipping know what to call this chp)

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"GOLDIE'' Freddy ran to his brother as Goldie fell to the floor with a slam Freddy wanted to catch him before he hit the ground but he wasn't quick enough grabbing Goldie , Freddy told Bonnie to get Mike .As Freddy ran to the parts and service room to get Goldie fixed up by Mike but by the time Freddy laid him down on the table he was out cold "No No NOO No come on Goldie PL-Please speak to me NO no NOO GOD DAMIT I WON'T LOSE YOU AGAIN TO A FREAKISH ACCIDENT NOT AGAIN" Freddy sobbed till Mike came in Mike told Freddy all he needed was more oil and his joints tighten up and that should stop the leaking "WAIT What do you mean SHOULD" "well Freddy this is the first time I do this so I'm just going of the books" "Well I-I..." "Freddy I know you're scared" mike said insucring him "but he will be ok 100% , he's in good hands" "o-ok I-I'm sorry" "no Freddy don't be sorry you were just scared ... now come on you got to stay outside ok" "bu-b-bu" "no buts please can you wait outside" "fine" Freddy walked outside the room and grabbed a chair he sat it down right next to the parts and service door and waited the gang tried cheering him up but he either said he wasn't in the mood or he just got angry then a couple of question came in "Freddy has Goldie ever been bullied before?" Freddy looked at the comment trying not to cry he muttered "y-yes from the kids in the old asabesment , Foxy and-a-a ..." Freddy stutterd he tried to hide his tears he realised how much of a terrible brother he's been all Goldie wanted was love and he continuously hurt him mentaly and physically then another question came in and asked "Freddy what would happen if someone tried to hurt Goldie what would you do?" Freddy replied with "If you asked old me he would ask who's hurting him and if it was foxy old me would have gone with he did something and deserves it but right now if someone hurt him I would probably throw them out a window". Freddy waited for an hour (it's now 2) he walked back and forward up and down the hall picked at the old peeling paint on the walls the others came by tried to cheer him up and nothing made him happy the only thing that would make him happy was his little brother smiling he sat back in his seat and waited till a question came up and asked "Freddy is Goldie ok" "I-I ah he-he's ahem uhm I-" "I'm alright" a weak voice said Freddy thruw his head to the right it looked like it was going to break "hey fre-" Goldie was saying till he was surrounded by Freddy's arms which made him almost cough cus the hug was so tight "Omg G-Goldie I-I Thought I Lost You" "he-yeah I-I'm I don't know what to say I-" Goldie's eyes started to tear up and they fell to the ground Freddy realised gold was fighting back tears "Goldie its ok let it out" "I Just CAN'T-T...ANYMORE" Goldie was on Freddy's lap he shoved his face in his chest .THIS IS NOT A SHIP THEY ARE BROTHERS!!!!!!!!!

Goldie cried he hardly could breath and when he did it sounded like he was trying to catch his breath but he couldn't there was no air and it's not like he needed it but still he was hiccuping and sounded like he was dying Freddy was trying not to cry he didn't want Goldie to worry about him because Goldie needed to let it out all out without another worry .Goldie then fell asleep in his arms Freddy got up and walked him to the backroom as he placed him down on his bed he thought about staying he didn't want shadow coming in again and hurting Goldie cause he knew that he was the one who hurt gold in the first place so he laid down in Golds bed next to him and held him close to his chest .


Bonnie heard Goldie Crying and Freddy telling him everything will be alright but he left Freddy and Goldie alone Gold needed to be with his brother he walked to the kitchen to get some water (THEY CAN DRINK OK) he heard a vent open but even before he could turn around he was thrown to the ground and a gag was shoved into his mouth who every was tying his arms up was strong and it even hurt his arms of how tight it was his body was turned and no longer was he facing the floor the light that was hanging from the ceiling blinded him for a few seconds but when his eyes adjusted to it he saw a bunny silhouette it was to tall for it to be Toy Bonnie his vision was blurry and it was getting blurrer he couldn't see a thing and then he was hit .

??? pov: I hit the bunny rabbit in the head I didn't know why Shadow Freddy wanted this purple haired freak but all I wanted was my payment I already kidnapped that stupid short bear now this , it was like he was trying to test me so he could use me , no snap out of it its fine I grabbed the Bunny and he was actually very light for his size through him into the bag and shoved him into the vent usally when its only me in the vent it only makes a clanking sound but with the other bunny it was a loud thud every time he moved forward , I then made it to the storage closet jumped down and open the basement door walking down the stairs with the bag dragging behind me still making a thud at every stair it hit but not hitting my feet and making me trip like last time with that STUPID BEAR anyways I took him out of the bag which was weird , and put a smaller bag on his head I left the gag in his mouth and tied up his hands and his feet turning my head around to see my payment .

OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CLIFF HANGER WOW YOU MUST HATE ME this is also a really short chp like typing it its so long then you look at it LIKE WHAT anyways BYE BEAN OUT!!!!!!!!!!

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