Surprise?! - 1

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Chapter 1
Alternate Title: Surpise, Dream hates Surprise

Hey, According to Wattpad statics. Only a small percentage of you guys are following me, so if you enjoy this book then go ahead and follow me, its free you can allows change your mind.

Dream POV
I just finsished the last recording of the new manhunt videos. I was still on the call with George and Sapnap and were talking about random stuff while I was editing the video.

"Hey Dream" Sapnap said with nervousness, which made me confused.

"What's up"

"Can I have your address, so I can send you something" It was a random question and Sapnap was definitely up to something.

"What are you sending" That seem to bring Sapnap into a state of panic.

"It's a surprise"

"I'm not giving you my address, you probably come murder me or something" Sapnap laugh nervously.

"I'll give you my P.O box is that fine" Sapnap still seem nervous.

"Why can't you just give me my address"

"Sap, are you ok, you sound nervous, I swear if your sending me something inappropriate-"

"No I'm not, nevermind Ill take your P.O box"

"Ok, well I have to go see you guys later"

After saying bye, I log off of discord and decided to go to sleep seeing as it was late.

Sapnap POV
I sigh as Dream logs off discord.

"Now what" I ask George and start rubbing my temple.

"I mean we know the general area where he lives in flordia"

I sigh, this was going to be difficult, to surprise Dream, without him knowing.

"It's worth a try"

"Good, I already bought my ticket"

"Alright, I just bought mine, It's in two days"

"Mine is tomorrow"

I sigh again, this was it, me and George were finally going to see Dream's face.

Trigger Warning
Suicidal Actions

Dream POV
I sat in bed staring up at the ceiling, thinking just aimlessly. The words repeating in my head. I haven't told anyone the hate I've been getting on Twitter because I didn't want anyone to worry. My phone dings, and I go over to it, and check it. It was a text from Twitter, another hate message.

I watched your videos and I already hate you, your laugh is annoying, no wonder you hide your face your probably ugly, no one likes you, you gay faggot just go kill your self

I turn off my phone. They are right.

"Everyone's right, I should just end it"

I walk into the bathroom and start rummaging through my cabinets and drawers. I finally found what I was looking for. I pull out the razorblade and run it underneath the sink. I just wanted to satisfied myself, not kill, at least no yet. After finishing rinsing off the razorblade I take of my hoodie and put the razorblade up to my arms and push down, a little bit of blood coming out. It wasn't enough. I continue cutting without thinking.






And I keep going until all the pent up energy is out. I stopped at 12 I went into the cabinet and grab some bandages and started bandaging my arms. I was to tired to move from the bathroom floor. So I stayed there wrapped in a ball and fell asleep.


I don't know how long I sleep for, but what woke me up was my phone ringing. I leave the bathroom and go get my phone. George was calling.

"Dream, are you ok you been offline for two days"


"Yeah, I just been busy editing and stuff"

"Oh, just wanted to make sure your okay"

"Yea, Im actually have to head to the store, see ya"


It was a lie, I didn't need to go to the store, I can't even remember the last time I ate. I hear meowing and turn around to see patches.

"What do you want patches" I follow patches out of my room into the kitchen she walked up to her bowl and sat down. Oh. I open up the cabinet were I kept her food. It was empty. I sigh.

"I guess Im going to the store now"

I change into decent looking clothes and grab my phone, wallet and keys. I haven't been out in awhile so I decided to walk. I get to the store, but the food for patches and start to leave. I was on my phone looking at more death threats, I sigh as I look at them. Because I wasn't looking up I bump into somebody causing drop my phone.

"Oh sorry we didn't see you there"

I look to see two people. George and Sapnap.

Sapnap bends down to pick up my phone, while it was still unlocked, while I was in twitter.





763 words

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