Chapter 11- Operation D-Day

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The Red army is advancing closer to Germany. They just left Albania. "Soon, we'll be in Normandy, France." Andrew said. "Then we will launch an attack on Berlin." Spencer said. "I heard, America and Britain will be apart of D-Day." Andrew said.

Alexi was deep in thought. "Alexi?!?" Spencer said, worried. Riding in tanks were so slow, so boring. "We have to be careful." Andrew said. His blue eyes sparkling in the dull light.

Shots were fired at the tanks. The four of them got their guns ready. Spencer opened the top of the tank. Alexi pointed his gun and fired.

"Careful." An officer said. Alexi stuck his head out and saw soldiers. "Are you Germans?" He asked. His gun was ready to be fired. "No. Americans." The small one said.

They kept riding alone until the tank came to a stop. "Gas." Luke said. While Luke filled the tank with Spencer armed with a gun, The double A's went to check a map.

"You Are H-" the writing was to faded to read. "Bonjour!" The clerk said, smiling wide. "We need directions to Normandy." Andrew said. He wrote down their directions.

"Could you write it in either English or Russian please?" Alexi asked. The clerk sighed in frustration and rewrite them in English. "Merci." Alexi said, grabbing the paper.

Andrew came back with food. Alexi raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "What? Normandy is a few days away." He said.

After slipping the perky clerk the money for the food and petrol they continued closer to Normandy.

Finally after long nights and regretful days they finally arrived in France. The Red Army all met near Normandy. Once gathered they advanced into Germany. French and English soldiers on foot, in tanks or pilots all charged into Berlin.

The Nazis worked hard to stop the allies into entering Germany. The Nazis were prepared for any attack.

Bodies of allied soldiers laid still. German soldiers were falling with blood dripping from their uniforms.
"Mien Führer." Himmler said. "The allied soldiers are in Germany. Outside Hitler heard the Red Army near his bunker. He knew the American soldiers were near.

He heard fighter jets above his bunker. "Rally the troops. Prepare the final battle!" Hitler yelled. Hitler and a few Nazis came out of the bunker to see Berlin burning and falling to hell.

With the French, English, Americans and Russians ready, they prepared for the final battle that would end the war in Europe.

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