New Target Market

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I returned to school on Monday feeling much better - Not that I had been that sick anyway -My friends, who said they had been worried about me, asked what was wrong and I told them everything but left out the part where I started faking how sick I was just to avoid seeing Sky with his new girlfriend, I was the toughest emotionally in my group of friends so I didn't want them thinking I was getting all soft on them.

Everything went on just fine at school,  even when I did see Sky and his new girlfriend it didn't have that much of an effect on me, guess my plan really worked because I had gotten over my mini emotional breakdown phase - if that's what I can call it - I spent most of my time studying in the morning and having video calls with Brad during break time, I had gotten used to my new normal and it was actually quite refreshing, everyone had also stopped talking about the little stunt Sky had pulled even though there were still a few people I would seeing bringing their heads together and whispering stuff like "So Sky really left her for that other girl?" when I was walking past them but I didn't really care anymore and that alone was also refreshing.

I had also decided to go cut my hair that afternoon - yeah I know, sounds like I'm going through a midlife crisis -  my hair was starting to get a bit hard to maintain and a little bit of me did feel like a physical change would be a great representation of me changing as a person.


I spent the morning at the school grounds sitting in the sun and not studying because even though studying did distract me from the drama series that I was living, I was human and I needed a break.

The siren rang while I was still at the grounds - great - which meant that when I was heading back to class I'd pass by Sky's registration class and they would have already started lining up - just great - usually that would not have been a problem but I had just cut my hair.Yes, I was confident that I looked okay and I had gotten compliments from people on my way to school and at school but I was not ready to see the reaction of my enemies - yes enemies - Sky's classmates didn't like me, they honestly didn't have a good reason if you ask me. One half didn't like me because I was Sky's ex and they were his friends and the other half didn't like me because I was Sky's ex and they were his new girlfriend's friends - stupidity at it's best.

I finally stood up and braced myself for my worst nightmare - you are a queen honey no matter what their reaction is, now walk like one - the moment I walked in through the corridor leading from the school grounds to the block where the classrooms were one of Sky's friends spotted me, nudged his other friend, told him to look in my direction and they laughed - ouch - but that wasn't it because he added to that by calling Sky and went "yow check it out" and when Sky saw me he also laughed and with that half the class joined in and laughed but I still walked past like a queen looking unaffected by their reaction. Truth is though, their reaction hurt me so much that I spent the rest of the day in class pretending to study.

Time passed and people started getting used to my new look and told me they much preferred me with short hair anyway, it was probably a lie but I didn't care really.

My confidence was boosted though by the amount of guys that started asking me out after getting the haircut, clearly I had started attracting a new and different "target market" too - lol - a more... mature one if you get what I'm saying. So basically I was now confident about how I looked and things couldn't have been going better for me.


Three weeks later...

I walked into class in the morning and  took out my books to study. As I was studying I felt someone pat my shoulder and I looked up to see Leah standing infront of me with her arms crossed and an arched eyebrow,"Girl I been calling you since forever, are you ignoring me or what?" she said when I took off one of my earphones. "I'm sorry girl it must be the earphones..." I said. "Yeah well forget that, someone's here to see you" she said pointing at the window.

Sky was standing there.

He waved and gave me a very awkward smile, I just looked at him with a bored face and then looked back at Leah,"Well go tell someone that I don't want to talk to him"

"Oh hell nah girl! Go tell him yourself"  Leah said flipping her hair and going back to her desk, this was  one of the days I did not appreciate how Leah chose to stay out of people's business.
I looked back at the window and saw Sky still standing there with his hands in a prayer position and shaping his mouth to say word PL..EA..SE - pathetic - I raised my eyebrow and then turned to go back to my studying.

A few minutes I felt someone tap my shoulder again  I'm going to kill Leah I thought to myself before lifting my head.

It was Sky - facepalm

"Listen, I'm not here to fight..." he quickly said while taking off his backpack and opening it. He took out a book and gave it to me, it was a Life Science study guide. "...I ran into it yesterday when I was moving my sister's old books into the storage room and I figured it would be of some help to you since trials are coming up soon..." he exhaled really hard after saying that and then just stood there nervously with his hands in his pockets."Ummm... yeah so that was what I came to give you... and uhhh good luck with your trial exams..." he continued and then turned on his heels and headed for the door.

"Hey Sky..." I said before he closed the door behind him, "...thank you" he nodded and then walked out.

Heya!!!! Well guess that was chapter 15...phew 😪 Sky hey👀 Let me know what you think about Sky's "kind gesture" and visit in the comments.

Oh and don't forget to vote 😍😘

Lots Of Love_Luh01

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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