An Eye For An Eye

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I got to school and went straight to the spot where Sky and his friends usually hang out. He was not playing cards with his friends though like I usually find them, he was standing alone with his headphones on and staring in the distance - pathetic- I didn't even feel sorry for him honestly.

"Hi" I said as I approached him, "Hi Lu" he said in a very depressed tone,"About yesterday..." I lifted up my hand before he could continue, "I don't want to hear it" He looked down and then looked up at me again with a sorry face,"I'm guessing you still pissed abo..." I cut him off again before he could continue, "Pissed is an understatement, I feel like castrating you right now" He laughed,"I'm not joking" I said with a straight face. "Anyway that's not what I'm here for, I've come up with a solution to our little problem" I said raising my fingers in inverted commas when I said the word problem, he looked at me confused.

I had spent the whole morning thinking about how to deal with this Sky Situation, "I'm listening" he said, I cleared my throat and took out my phone, "Now... since you took the Liberty to go through my phone without my permission and apparently found evidence of my infidelity..." I scoffed then continued,"...I will give you my phone and you will continue playing private investigator all you like..." I paused to take a look at him and saw him shaking his head in confusion,"that's it?" he asked. "Oh of course not, where's the fun in that?" I said giving him my best duh face, "You will also give me yours so I can go through it..." I noticed his face changing, I couldn't quite figure out what emotion that was; sadness, anger or just guilt but I continued anyway, I was a woman on a mission I tell you. "...after we both go through each other's phones then we can delete what we don't like in each other's phones, an eye for an eye" I said smiling. "And what if I say no?" He asked raising an eyebrow, I let out a small chuckle, "I had a feeling you'd say that, then we break up" I said the last part with a more serious face. He let out a breath and handed me his phone,"So you promise that no matter what you find, we won't break up?" I handed him my phone and started walking away, "Sadly, I can't promise that, you have until after school to play private investigator"

A lot of people would not agree with my actions but I needed evidence and closure. To tell the truth, I had already decided that I was gonna break up with Sky but I just needed to know if what Mia said was really true -  yeah I'm a doubting Thomas like that - what worried me more though is how easily Sky gave me his phone, no fight no nothing, but I brushed it off.

Break time I sat alone in the computer lab and started going through Sky's phone. Gallery first I thought to myself but when I opened his gallery I found only about 60 pics, almost half of which were screenshots of a Maths Lit assignment he was doing, the other half were pictures of his family. That's strange I thought, even an antisocial teenager wouldn't have such a few images and Sky was the opposite of antisocial. I also didn't find Chelsea's nudes, which I knew were there after the conversation I had with Mia yesterday. Then I got an idea, if anyone was more familiar with this phone than me it's Mia, she'd know if something was off.


"Yeah no, you right these aren't all his pictures" said Mia, "Asshole!" I said out loud not caring about the Junior learners that were passing and seeing their President cursing, their supposed good example."So do you think he deleted everything because he expected me to do something like this?" Mia shook her head,"Would you delete your pictures just because you think your partner is going to search your phone?" I looked at her and shook my head,"Exactly!" Then her eyes lit up,"Wait a minute... "she started scrolling and opened the phone's files, "I knew it!!!" she said turning the phone towards me and I saw the words INTERNAL STORAGE  but I was still confused,"Knew what Mia talk!!!" She let out a breath and face palmed herself, "Sky has a memory card Lucy, and he obviously took it out because he suspected you'd also want to search his phone as a form of retaliation or something, you gotta give it to the guy though, he sure knows you"

I couldn't believe I was so stupid, that's why he handed me his phone so easily, he knew he had nothing to worry about because I would only go through his gallery and he had taken out his memory card. He knows I'm too much of a coward to go through his Whatsapp or anything like that.

"Go through his Whatsapp" I boldly said,"Are you sure?" Mia asked giving me the there's no going back after this look,"Yes, I'm sure"

"Alright then" Mia said obviously excited to be playing Detective. "Take a screenshot of every weird conversation! be it; flirting, sexting, whatever I don't care!" This went against everything I believed in when it came to respecting other people's privacy which is probably why I didn't have the guts to go through his whatsapp for myself.

"Umm... friend" I heard Mia say while I was pacing up and down thinking of non-messy ways to murder your boyfriend and get away with it," What?"

"You gonna wanna see this" she said with her eyes wide open, I sat down next to her and she gave me the phone."Read from... here" she said scrolling up and stopping at a text from the week before. I looked up at the top bar to see who's chat it was, it belonged to Chelsea - shoot me now please

Chelsea's Chat:

Sky : So what do you say..?

Cee : About?

Sky : C'mon now stop acting dumb, about what we talked about at school...

Cee : Okay fine, so where did you want us to meet?

Sky : At church...

Cee : Are you mad???Sex at church!!!

Sky : C'mon Cee no one will suspect anything, think about it.

Cee : Yeah I guess so.

Sky : So it that a yes?

Cee : When do you want to meet?

Sky : Saturday. I'm supposed to be going there to clean the church for Sunday.

Cee : Oh yeah... so it will look like I was just there to help you out... smart.

Sky : I know...

Cee : See you then... I love you

Sky : I love you too

I couldn't read further so I gave the phone back to Mia... I was shattered, my heart was in smithereens. I may not have been sure how I felt about Sky anymore but it still hurt how he betrayed me like this. He promised me that he would wait for me until I was ready to have sex meanwhile he was having snacks along the way. On top of that he was telling some other girl that he loved her when he was saying the exact same thing to me.

The siren sounded and we went back to class for the last two periods, I don't remember what subjects we had because I could barely concerntrate.All I could think of is afterschool...

So yeah that was chapter 8, please vote and comment, let me know what you think about it.

Lots Of Love_Luh01

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