Just Have It

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I got home and started preparing to cook, as I was still trying to decide what to cook my phone rang.

Brad read the caller ID.

I felt my cheeks heat up and the non existant butterflies in my stomach were restless again."Hello" I answered in the most ladylike voice I could master.

"Hey Lu" I heard Brad's voice on the other end of the line - silk  I tell you silk! - I heard him clear his throat dramatically as if preparing to sing a solo, "I was just checking if you got home safe " I felt my whole body heat up this time - Just have it I said mentally, repeating the words of Elizabeth from Goodgirls when she offered Rio her pussy, lol - this boy is gonna be the death of me.

"Lu are you still there?" I get snapped out of my thoughts by Brad's voice on the other end of the line, Shit I had gotten so caught up in entertaining the mental desires of my inner hormonal teenager that I forgot I was still on a call with the main character of my mental porn, lol.

"Yeah I'm still here" I answered, "Just a little occupied with cooking" singing the last word to make it sound like I was enjoying it. Which I wasn't 
"Are you okay" Brad asked sounding worried."Yeah yeah I am" I answer hesitantly, he's making me effin nervous, why???? I think my heart knew the answer to that but my brain  was too stubborn to accept it.

"I'm gonna let you get back to your cooking" he said adding a nervous chuckle at the end."Cooking?" I asked confused, "Yeah umm... you are cooking right?" Shit I said I was cooking, "Oh yeah, yes, of course I'm cooking" I replied awkwardly.
"Lol, okay bye" and I hear the beep signalling that he dropped the call from his end.

Way to go Lucy, he probably thinks you're weird now. Face palm.

So what do you think of Lucy and Brad? Let me know in the comments section. I know this chapter was short so I will make it up to you guys by updating three times today, or more(wink wink)lol

Also, please please please vote and refer the book to your friends or other wattpaders.

Lots Of Love_Luh01

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