Chapter 18: Under attack

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Sie P.O.V

We were at the clearing next to the castle and we were fighting the vampires and werewolf’s that work for this man. One minute I was fighting a black wolf and the next minute a voice shouted ‘stop and retreat’. I look towards the person and expected a men but it was not a man. It was my beautiful mate that is falling down to the hard floor. I changed into my human form and put some clothes on and run down to Scarlett as faster as I can. Once I reached her she was already on the hard floor with a tank top that is soaked with her own blood. Surely I could have felling the pain but I did not. I think she blocked me out as the precaution.

Someone put their hand on my back and tried to lift Scarlett up, but I would not let them. To even touch my mate especially Alpha John.

“Relax Sie I have a mate Adena at home and I already marked her as mine. So you don’t have to ripped my head of” Alpha John said

“how come you have another mate?”

“to what I presume that you marked Scarlett as yours and the connections lost between us. So I have a new mate that I am falling in love with”

“Uhm guys” we looked at Dave who is signalling at Scarlett’s body

“ We might want to take her to werewolf hospital because she is losing too much blood.”

Quickly I picked Scarlett in my arms and run down to the hospital.

=-= twenty minutes later =-=

Finally we are at the hospital. I never wondered how long it would takes us to go to one of the werewolf hospitals but here we are, in one.

I entered the hospital with Scarlett’s body in my arms.

“Can somebody help us?” I shouted, and straight away nurse came with a bed and next to the bed where was a doctor.

“What happened?” doctor asked

“She was stabbed in her stomach to what I presume is a silver knife.” I explained

“ok put her on the bed and we have to wheeled her in to surgery to see if there is any damage done” Doctor said once again

I put her down in the bed and straight away they left me standing in the middle of the reception alone. I tried to come with them but they pushed me back and said go wait in the reception.

I went to the café got something to drink and sat down in the reception waited for any sights of good news about Scarlett condition.

Seconds past when it turned into minutes and when into hours. Between that time everyone that Scarlett know are here in the reception. Looking around I did not noticed that she know that many people. I am surrounded by couple of vampires drinking blood. Fairies dancing around us. Alphas talking quietly together and same goes for the elders. Even the Queen herself is here.

Scarlett P.O.V

Rogues swarmed from every there like bees in the beehive. To be fair all I saw that queen bee was a rogue and wanted everyone dead not stopping in its path till it completed its mission. Once they there in the clearing everyone started to fight for their lives. I look around me. It suppose to be a sunny day today but it’s not. From the sunny day it transformed to murky ready to rain one as the clouds gathered together. To my right one by one all the rogues are killed but same goes to this pack. I turn to my left is the same thing. Brown, red, green, grey wolf attacking each other just to win something out of it.

From nowhere with black clothing hunters came and started shooting for wolfs that are not on their side. One by one wolfs are going down more and more by each passing minute. Next thing I know from the different part of woods came vampires and started to attack hunters with all their strength. After them came all the other mythical creatures ready to attack. And from the other side’s it came barging more rogues and mythical creatures that don’t want to be in a pack and they all started to fight together as one.

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