|•1•| Friends Reuniting

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*Killua's POV*

As I closed my eyes I couldn't help but let the flood of memories infiltrate my mind. Memories, painful memories that filled my head. A childhood no one could bare, weighed on my shoulders. I wear the scars of my childhood on my body. Scars that are unable to fade, nor disappear.

As I cover myself in the painful memories a light shined. My mind immediately ran over to it, I felt a warm shine on my skin as remember the memory. The memory of Gon. His smile was a light like no other, it warmed me inside and out. His laugh echoed again and again. I played the sound in my mind over and over again. As I revisited my memories of Gon as I usually did, a painful memory of Gon slipped into my warm sun. The sun no longer warm but a cold moon.

The cold moon on that exact night. Tears falling from his face, a face that was aged yet still held childlike eyes. I felt myself being cut as I pictured that painful memory of Gon. I missed him, I missed my best friend. No, I didn't miss him, I loved him. I love Gon, so much. So much...

*Gon's POV*

I was finally going to see him again! My heart skipped a beat as I imagined his sapphire eyes. I could drown in his deep blue eyes. I always loved Killua's eyes. They always comforted me when I was in need. Of course, I loved picturing his eyes but I couldn't wait to see them again with my own.

I wanted Killua in my arms. I wanted to hold him forever and smile at him. Wishing every night I could have him in my arms, cuddling him. His cat-like grin smiling at me. Killua was always there for me whenever I needed him, he always stuck by my side. I knew he would never leave me no matter what.

I was ready to give up, give in to the darkness, and I had. I gave up everything for my revenge. I was blinded by rage and vengeance. All I could see was to take the life of the one who took the life of... Kite... It still pained me as I thought about what I did. I know I had gotten revenge but after that moment it didn't fix anything. Kite was still gone and killing Pitou didn't bring him back.

Even after witnessing the brutal murder, Killua stuck by me. He didn't see a deranged murder but saw a friend. He saved me from death itself multiple times. I couldn't be more grateful to have someone like him in my life. He was able to forgive me for everything I had done. I couldn't wait to see him again. I couldn't wait...

*3rd Person POV*

As Gon stepped off the train he ran straight to the cafe Killua said to meet up at. Gon could feel his heart beating in his chest. He was finally going to see his best friend again! Butterflies flew in Gon's stomach hoping his friend would recognize him, but most importantly he would recognize his friend. Gon shook away the thought knowing he would recognize Killua in a second.

Killua on the other hand was a nervous wreck. He fiddled with his hands, thinking what to say to Gon when he came. He was trying to calm the butterflies in his stomach. Killua felt a bit sick but also joy, finally getting to meet Gon again. Killua blushed at the thought of seeing Gon's face. Just as Killua calmed the butterflies in his stomach they instantly came back. Killua heard a familiar voice call his name.

"Killua!" Gon said instantly recognizing a boy with white fluffy hair

"Gon!" Killua said running up to the other boy

As they both reached each other the white-haired boy pulled Gon into a hug. The impact of the hug was so much that they both toppled over. The two friends laughed at each other and stopped to look at each other. Neither wanted to look away from each other as they stared into each other's eyes. The first to look away was Killua ducking his head to hide a deep red blush. Gon also blushing, laughed. Killua stood up regaining his composure held out his hand to Gon. Gon taking Killua's hand stood up. Killua noticed how ruff Gon's hand was but quickly put his hands deep in his pockets.

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