Fear Of Water Chapter 4

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The next day, Y/N came downstairs to the living but nobody was there. Suddenly, you heard laughing and splashing in the backyard and walked towards the sound. When you opened the screen door, you saw everyone was hanging out in and out of the pool. Amy was at the grill making some food for everyone, Rouge and Blaze were getting a tan, Cream and Tails were sitting at the bench eating ice cream, and most of the boys were in the pool except for Shadow and Sonic.

"Hey Y/N! Care to join us?!" Silver asked.

This was your first time swimming in their pool so you didn't have a swim suit.

"Uh...I don't have a swimsuit."

"Girl. I'll get you one."

Rouge got up and pulled Y/N back inside.

"Hey Blaze! Come on in!" Silver said.

"No thanks. I prefer to enjoy the sun."

"Oh come on!"

"You know I don't like getting wet."

Knuckles smirked and splashed some water at Blaze. Black screamed a bit and hissed at Silver.

"It wasn't me! It was Knuckles!" Silver said as he pointed at Knuckles.

Blaze threw a fireball at his back, making Silver scream. Knuckles was just laughing but gets hit in the back by a fireball as well.


"Hmph." Blaze said as she put her sunglasses back on.

Sonic was just staring at the water for a while until Y/N came out. Sonic blushed a bit as he looked at you. You smiled and walked towards Sonic.

"Hey Sonic! Wanna swim with me?"

Sonic widened his eyes and backed away a bit which made you confused.

"No I'm good. Thanks."

"Are you sure? It'll be fun."

"Faker is scared of water."

Shadow said in a deep tone.

"Then how come you're not swimming Shadow?"

Sonic asked.

"I don't do this kinds of activities."

Shadow said softly.

"Why are you scared of the water Sonic?"

"It's complicated." Sonic said nervously.

"It's not so bad. Look, some of our friends are playing in it."

As you said that, you turned your head and widened your eyes and saw Silver and Knuckles screaming in pain from the fire burn. You looked at Blaze who looked back at you, lowering her sunglasses. She just shrugged and puts her sunglasses back on. You looked at Sonic and said,

"Anyways, I can help you."

"I don't know Y/N."

"Please? Just this once?" Y/N said as you held out your hand. It took him a very long time to think about it but once he did, he slowly grabbed your hand and stood up. You smiled and slowly walked towards the pool, slowly getting in. Sonic jumped a bit in fright.

"Hey it's ok. Nothing will happen. I'll be here for you."

Sonic took a deep breath and slowly got in but quickly hanged onto you.

"It's ok. I'm here. See?"

Sonic had his eyes closed tight while holding you.

"I can't do this!"

"Yes you can Sonic. Just believe!"

Sonic was breathing so fast and slowly let go of you.

"There you go. You're getting it."

Sonic finally lets go and was slowly floating.

"Hey. This isn't so bad. It's actually quite nice. Still a little scared though."

"You'll get used to it. Come. I'll help you swim."

For most of the day, You and Sonic have been practicing how to swim and you were both having a lot of fun until it was time to leave. Everyone went inside and Silver and Knuckles were still having some pain on their backs.

"Talk about a sunburn." Rouge said with a giggle.

Knuckles growled at her.

"Shut up!" Knuckles said.

"Why did you do that Blaze?" Silver said.

"Because I love you." Blaze said with a wink.

Silver blushed and said, "Heh. I love you too."

"See? Can't stay mad forever right?"

"I guess not."

Pretty soon everyone was getting ready for bed. You gave Sonic a hug goodnight.

"Good night Sonic."

"Good night Y/N. Thanks for helping me out today."

"You're welcome." You smiled and went to bed. Sonic had a small blush on his cheeks as he went to bed.

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 5. Have a good day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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