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Being a part of a superior family has always a bad aftertaste along the fortune and wealth. It's like eating something sweet, something sugary, tasty looking which first plays with your senses, but as soon as you swallow it, a bitter taste lingers on your tongue and never really goes away.

You must decide if you want the sensation of the taste along with the bitter feeling for a lifetime, or if you don't. That's what it's like to be a part of a wealthy family. A well-known name means compromises, promises, the will to bend for the family's reputation.

Keeping your own intention behind, placing your ego on the end of the long line, after every choice, the wanted behavior and determinate decisions you must burden on yourself for everyone around you.

It's a bit like searching in a crowded mass full of placed figures for yourself. It's hard, it's almost impossible to find yourself. The true self, not the role you're playing when you have to bend under the hungry gazes of people who only want to socialize because you're a descendant, not because you're maybe smart, or friendly, or have more to offer than your last name.

That's something which was born in your cradle along with silver fogs and dressing gowns. You just have to decide if you're committed to that or if you're not.

And if not, you don't have the chance to continue the family bloodline. And it's all about keeping the bloodline pure, right?

To connect with the right people, being friends with the right people, starting a family with the right partner, reputable of course.

It's about keeping your head high enough, the corset tight, to sit upright on the table, saying please and thank you. And dear god, don't forget to make a curtsey if you meet someone with not two but three vaults at Gringotts.

But it's also about keeping the veil closed about what's really behind all the façade and closed doors. And it is true what people say: Big houses are keeping big secrets.

It's not like that with every pure blood family. I met a lot of people in my life who didn't have to deal with any of this. I met people who were free to do whatever they wanted for their life.

And I met people like me.

People, who didn't really have a choice.

And don't get me wrong, I wasn't a sad and punished child. I was loved, not only by my parents who would've done anything to make me happy, but also by my lovely twin sister who always saw the good in people even though they were showing her their true, ugly, selfish inner core.

I just got used to the definition of my own golden cage up to the point, where I was grown out. I realized that there was more than following a plan, more than bending under the weight lasting on my shoulders.

I found something which was so much more than anything that was determinate for me.

And I found that with him

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now