Chapter Twenty-Seven

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     As if the weather just happened to know it was a big day, the winds were rough and fast. 

    "We are literally magic, why can't we just magic the weather to our liking?" Maddie asked Fred as she tied her shoes. 

    "It wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if the game was actually safe, now would it be?" Fred teased. 

    The Gryffindor Quidditch team were dressed in their uniforms, maroon and gold plastered to their body.

    Maddie had her blonde hair tucked behind her head in a pony tail, trying not to let any spare pieces escape, though that didn't work. Baby curls framed her face and the back of her neck no matter how many times she slicked them aside. Her cheeks had maroon face paint on one cheek, and glittering gold paint on the other. 

    The team wore both nervous and exciting smiles on their face. This was the big game. After this week, they had a week left before Christmas break. Who ever would win this game would wear it with pride. It was against Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, both the teams were eager to win. 

    After Maddie had heard what James said about her, she wallowed for a night, but told heralded to get past it. She put on her brave face and pretended she never heard a word.

    Whenever he flirted, or tried to touch her, she shut him down subtly, hoping he wouldn't notice. 

    But of course he did. James noticed how she shied away from his touch or how her smile faltered when he teased her. 

     He tried to open her up, or make her laugh. But it rarely worked. And he never failed to make her laugh. He asked Fred, Roxanne, just anyone he thought would no what's up, but they all seemed unsure or didn't even notice a change.

    It frustrated him but there wasn't much he could do. 

    With the game in less than five minutes, the two tried to clear their heads. Thinking of how much they wanted to win, and how much they would party after.

    "Good luck out there amour," James said as Maddie gripped onto her broom and picked her lips nervously. She looked up at him and nearly smiled. 

   "I don't need it Potter. But maybe you do," Maddie answered, having the guts to tease him back as long as it didn't get too flirty.

    "Maybe if you gave me a little good luck kiss," James suggested.

    "Maybe," Maddie teased back, but her heart pained at the lie she was convinced he was telling her, "but you wouldn't want that would you?" 

    "What?" James asked suddenly.

     Before James could find out why she said that, they started the call out for the game, each player flying into field. 

     The game was tense. For every point Gryffindor made, Ravenclaw made one too. James was frustrated and he constantly found his eyes wandering over to Maddie, who was zooming in the air in an attempt to find the snitch. 

    Suddenly, it began raining. The teams took no time on putting on their goggles and continuing the game. 

    Maddie's eyes darted back in forth, squinting in an attempt to find the small gold blur that would end the game. Her body was wet and cold, the wind nearly knocking her back and forth. The stray pieces of her hair were plastered to the sides of her face and neck, her grip on the broom slightly slippery.

    Her eyes doing their way to James, who had the Quaffle in his right arm, his other hand gripping tightly onto his broom. His clothes were wet and sticking to his body.  Maddie swore she could every muscle on his body flex and tense under his clothes. 

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