Chapter Nine

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  Maddie woke up, her lips pressed to someone shirt. James. It didn't take her but a second to know it was James, he smelled like a burning campfire, the sea, a sporty cologne, and currently a hint of alcohol. She knew his smell way to well.

She shrugged, not thinking anything of it and turning around, until realizing she was in James bed. She hastily sat up, and James only groaned in response of her now missing body heat.

Fuck... fuck. Why was she here? She suddenly remembered, Roxanne had sent everyone home at three, and Maddie trudged to her room, barely walking.

"I don't wanna sleep aloneeee," she whined, but Roxanne only patted her head and entered her own room.

Her eyes fell to James who was passed out on the floor.

"Jamieeee," Maddie giggled, her hair all over and when James saw her for a glimpse he thought he was looking at an angel, her eyelids glittery and a full lips spread into an angelic smile, blonde hair in a wild perfect mess. But then he realized it was just Maddie.

"Mhmmm darling?"

"Bed," she giggled again, sticking her hand out and he grabbed it, the two limping towards his room. Once they got there, Maddie gave him her ever so famous puppy dog eyes, and he smiled.

"Alright, cuddles."

She was quick to plummet into James bed, which she swore was ten times more comfortable than hers.

"No you need sleepwear," he groaned, gently tossing her a pair of his boxers, clean and folded, and a large t shirt of his.

"Don't look," Maddie warned.

"But-," he joked.


With that, Maddie jumped into his bed and fell asleep, not even waking when James slid next to her moments later.

"Maddieee," James groaned, causing her to wake up from her trance.


"It's cold."

"Okay James," Maddie scoffed, tucking him in and leaving the room to find Roxanne cleaning the house.

"Morning Amourette," Roxy hummed, in her own little world.

"Morn Rox," Maddie replied, taking sir fruit and deciding to help Roxanne.

Soon enough, Fred and James made their way out. Fred has drool dripping down his shirt, and James with no shirt, nuzzled into the couch.

Maddie took no time to sit in between the two, feeding them orange slices and blueberries whenever they popped up their heads.

"Look at you taking care of the boys," Roxanne laughed.

"Nuh uh, I am one of the boys."

"Not anymore," Fred replies, and Maddie looks sad.

"No why?"

"Yeah shes a boy what?"


Maddie shrugged the comment off feeling sort of hurt.

She went to her room and got into the shower, wanting to knock off the smell of alcohol and sweat.

"Why would you say that?" James asked, confused.

"Come on man, you're crazy," Fred laughed, and Roxanne rolled her eyes.

"She's not a stack anymore."

"But shes just one of the guys."

"Not anymore James, she's got tits."

"Shut up Fred," Roxanne slaps her, even though she knew he was right.

"You didn't see the way every guy was staring at her last night, hell the way you look at her most of the time? Come on you're in fucking love with Madelyn Amourette. Been in love with her for five years now. Open your god damn eyes. Every guy is lining up for her now, guys wanted to get all on her yesterday and her instagram is filled with horny dudes."

"I'm not in love with Maddie, and that's disgusting, what the hell?"

Fred shrugged, "you care."

"Of course I do, shes my best mate."

Suddenly, Roxanne sighed, biting her head against a pillow.

"You're a bloody idiot James Potter."

Minutes later, Maddie entered the room, her reading glasses on that she only wears when she has a headache, and a pink towel holding her hair up, other than a few perfect curls sliding out and framing her face. She wore a large white t-shirt, some writing on it about a record shop and an old pair of James shorts that were red and nearly went down to her knees.

"Holy shit, I am in love," he thought. 

    The rest of the break was spent shopping in the town, swimming, surfing, just getting as much in before the start of Hogwarts.

The day before they had to leave, Teddy and Victoria came to spend the day and sleep at the cottage, wanting to spend some time with their little cousins.

Victoria walked in with a beautiful smile, immediately flashing a beautiful engagement ring on her finger and Teddy smiled proudly.

"Oh my god!" Roxanne shrieked while her and Maddie fawned over Victoria.

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