Chapter Two

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     What James claimed was the biggest part of their first year, was the ginger Slytherins.

    Fred and James had pulled a big prank on the Slytherins, dying their hair red and pouring glitter all over them just days before the first Quidditch games.

To everyone's surprise, Maddie loved the idea, but began to explain a more sophisticated way of doing it.

Fred stared in awe, Roxanne seemed disappointed in her friends foolish antics, but James only got pissed off.

"Oh shove off," James growled.

"We need her James, she's brilliant," Fred laughed.

"We don't need her dimwit, I don't need her help."

Maddie looked away, slightly hurt from his comment. She took her books and went to sit with a Ravenclaw friend of hers.

"Nice you one you prick," Roxanne mumbled before joining her friend.

It took around a week before James came around. He was practicing with the Quidditch team since we basically a legacy, when he bumped into a slumped blonde girl, who happened to be Maddie, they had gone a week of just being okay towards each other, instead of their usual antics.

Maddie congratulated him on how great he was playing, explaining that Mcgonagall had suggested she watched practices and talked to the head coach to understand the game more.

James walked back with a tinge of guilt in his heart, Maddie had remained kind to him despite him being a prick.

Over holiday break, Maddie had to stay at the castle, whilst her friends went home. That's when she received the news that her mother would not be taking her back home to America, Proffesor Mcgonagall had to tell her, and she felt awful.

"Well dear, isn't there any other family?"

"No ma'am, dads not a part of my life," Maddie said, trying to keep herself together.

"We will figure it out," she offered the young blonde a warm smile.

Maddie spent a large percentage of her break hanging out with the few kids that stayed, though she was at first shockingly quiet. She explored the castle and spent loads of time with Hagrid, who felt awfully distraught about Maddie's current situation.

Maddie had begged Hagrid to take her down to Hogsmade so she could mail Christmas gifts off to her friends, and he obliged despite it being against the rules.

When the break was over, she kept her disownment a secret, even to the last day of school.

The rest of their year was spent as close friends, Maddie helping plan pranks but never getting too involved in them.

When the last day of school came, they said they're goodbyes and none of them seemed to notice Maddie slipping back into the train.

When the second year came, Maddie was more than excited to see all of her friends, having texted Roxanne a bit over the summer since their parents allowed them to have phones.

Mcgonagall commented on how happy Maddie was after scolding her for running down the stairs, then wished her off to meet her friends at the station.

The first thing Maddie noticed when she saw her beloved curly headed friend, was her annoyed face and nearly red hair, the sun had brought it out over the summer.

The four united like it was only yesterday they had seen each other, though Roxanne and Maddie quickly caught on to the boys new interest in girls.

Which only caused James to hardcore flirt but mostly tease harder on the blonde, who hadn't changed much since year one.

The only major changes that year, was when Albus, James' younger brother got into Slytherin. Maddie swore the whole room was quiet, until James stood up and starting screaming and clapping, Maddie following and then everyone else.

Of course there was Quidditch. Much to the boys surprise, Maddie was up in practice uniforms first day of tryouts, her blonde hair out of her face and an extremely determined attitude.

It was also to the boys surprise when she pulled out the same broom as James, which says a lot. And even more when she was chosen as the seeker, James a chaser, and Fred a beater.

She had practiced all summer long, dragging Hagrid to the field to help her out. It obviously payed off too, but James had also practiced all summer, since he could walk as he said it. So James claimed to not be very impressed, which earned him a slap from Roxanne, who loved to Quidditch but claimed she wanted to concentrate on her grades instead.

Just like all secrets, Maddie's big secret springs out mid-year, just telling her three friends.

It happened when her and Roxanne got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time during one of James and Fred's troublesome quarrels, having to dodge straight into bushes.

"God I should have done something like that this summer, Mcgonagall's face is priceless," Maddie giggled but the three looked at her confused.

"Oh, oh no.." Maddie mumbled, knowing it was time to come clean.

"All on your own?" James questioned after Maddie explained. She nodded her head, adding in Hagrid and occasional visits from "Minnie".

"You should have told us," Roxanne stated.

Eyes began to weld in Maddie's eyes, "It's embarrassing you know, my own mom doesn't want me." Tears began to cloud her vision, but she quickly put on the best face she could.

"Screw your mom," Fred slightly yelled, anger plastered on the face, which was quite rare.

"My dad told me the closests family isn't always blood, its who you choose to have in your life," James says, suddenly looking like the little boy who Maddie had orignially met the first day at Hogwarts.

James never told her that he chose her, but every day since then, he had.

After that, James and Maddie teased more, but without that stinging hatred tension, well most of the time that is. She became more of a trio with the two boys, in fact no one saw one of the three without each other, and trouble always endured.

How much trouble and fun could a scrawny boy with messy hair, a tall boy with his father's smile, and a blonde stick find themselves in?

Well too much if the teachers had any input into the matter.

Roxanne assured that Maddie could stay with her over the summer, but Maddie felt it was simply awful to barge in.

Even James offered a warm home, but Maddie decided this would be better for them. 

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