The happy life |Chapter 3|

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(Time skip to where Norman gets shipped out. Ik it's a big jump but do you want to write out all of season 1? Yeah thought so 😃)

      "No Norman you can't go.. We are so close to escaping with everyone!" You shouted at him as he told you his decision.

      "Look you don't have to die. When mom tells you its time to go put this to your ear and push the button. After that hide in the woods and when we escape we'll take you with us." Ray tried to put some sense into him.

      "Sounds like a plan!" Emma shouted. "It seems flawless, but what about food and water for Norman? It'll be months before we'll be able to get out of here!" You asked worried. "I can sneakily give him food and water no problem!" Emma said just happy to know Norman has a plan to live. You knew this would be easier said than done tho...

   "Norman! Momma said to pack your things!" One of the younger kids called out. Norman just gave a reassuring smile. "I'll be there in just a second!" The white haired boy said a little too calm. When Norman ran to the woods you couldn't help but feel he was lying, it's not that you didn't trust him you just knew Norman a bit too well. Your nightmares became a reality after seeing him walk out of the woods and give Isabella a hug. 'That little-' you thought to yourself.

    Norman told you and the others about the cliff and the farms layout. When the others where saying their last goodbyes you went off to find Ray. He just lost his best friend... The only person he felt he could trust besides you.

     "GOD DAMN IT!!" You walked to the library and found Ray smacking his hand on the table in frustration. You walked over to him and put a hand over top of his which he had slammed on the table. (R.I.P Rays hands 2021) He was crying and you knew that was very rare. "Look it will all be okay! Norman came back to tell us about the cliff right? He's doing this to save us. We're not letting him die for no reason." You raised your hands to his cheeks and brushed away his tears and cuffed his face. Ray smiled at the simple gesture. You had this power over him. You had the ability to cheer him up no matter what happened. After that you spent most of your time with Emma making sure her leg was healing alright and playing tag with the others.

       OMG HII How did this get 9 reads 😃✋🏻 y'all actually read this- anyways after this I promise there won't be this huge ass time skip. This chapter was about 445 words. A little on the shorter side sorry 😭


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