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👀 oops, also if the structure of the last chapter confused you then make sure to leave a comment because i will gladly explain it in like a lil short update


humming softly, minho put in the passcode, his thumb moving to swipe out to the home screen but the name at the top of the screen caught his eye.

2 hours later (minho pov)

jisung can we talk? like call?
i need to ask u about something
and i wanna know the truth

uhm sure?
idk what this is about but
im free rn so here's my number
seen 3:20 pm


3:21 pm

jisung (italics)
minho (normal)

"... hello?"

"hey.. it's minho, if you didn't
get that by now. but i have something
really serious that i want to ask you about."

"sure.. what's so important that you
had to call me?"

"you... the uhhh.. damnit.. wait.."
"okay sorry, i'm back. you run that
one account... don't you? the minho fan account that
i showed you at the cafe, the one i thought hacked you?"


call ended.


missed call from meanhoe

incoming call from meanhoe
accept | decline

missed call from meanhoe

incoming call from meanhoe
accept | decline

missed call from meanhoe


(minho's pov)

"there is no way that that doesn't seem sus... Hyunjin why won't he pick up my calls?" the light brown haired boy was currently sitting in one of the stylists chairs, his own phone in hand as he stared at all the declined calls. Hyunjin was half asleep in the chair next to him, one of the stylists hands was holding his head up as he dozed off as the hair stylist worked to fix his hair for his upcoming shoot. Minho had been speaking to the half asleep boy for the past three minutes all while continuously trying to call jisung who continuously declined all the calls.

"great convo..." minho let out an exasperated sigh as he let his hands fall over the sides of the chair and his head hanging back over the back of the chair, staring at the white ceiling.

"uhm.. i wasn't trying to eavesdrop or anything but maybe i could give some advice, seeing as well uh... hyunjin isn't available right now." a soft voice managed to catch minho's attention over the sound of a hair dryer. he turned his head slightly towards its direction and made eye contact with the tall male stylist that was holding hyunjin's head. instantly minho's attention was peaked so he sat back up and turned his chair toward the male. he was pretty tall, maybe around six feet or just an inch or so shorter. if minho wasn't mistaken, the male's name was juyeon, a stylist in training.

"yeah sure, i could use really any kind of advice right now" minho glanced between the stylist and hyunjin's head then towards the hair dryer that was still on. "it's a little loud in here... hey yeon can i steal your helper real quick for something?" minho asked the female working on hyunjin's hair and without a second glance she gave minho a nod and almost immediately another female was by juyeon's side to hold hyunjin's head in place.

the two males walked side by side for a while until they reached the balcony of the floor they were on. minho was glad they were alone, seemed like everyone just so happened to be busy at that moment.

"so you said this boy's name was jisung right? and that he runs some sort of fan account for you but he's also a somewhat famous underground rapper?" juyeon had continued to summarize the rest of what he heard minho rambling on about as the model only either nodded or gave a small hum. as the stylist summarized it made minho realized how much had actually ranted about and how much detail he actually spoke about. "right so, just a couple minutes ago you found out that the boy was actually the one running the account after being led on to believe that they just had been the one to hack jisung's main account? and you said you saw jeongin's texts? well first of all, not to be like rude or anything but you snooped, through their private texts. then you proceeded to expose jisung to his own face with zero context. imagine how the poor boy is feeling right now.... he must be so flustered or more. the idol that he has been posting about since the beginning of your debut has just found out his biggest secret all, and he doesn't even know how you figured out. i wouldn't be surprised if both jeongin and jisung were pissed off with you after this." juyeon continued on, it was almost a lecture but it was allowing minho to realize what exactly he had done wrong and he was able to come to terms with what was going on.

"minho? hello?" juyeon's hand caught minho's attention and he immediately turned his head to show he was back in reality. "you want my advice? you figure out how you feel about the boy. how you feel about him running that account, and you tell him. not over some text, not over call. in person. but don't rush him, that might just make things worse, if he doesn't want to speak to you or see you then give him the space." juyeon gave the model a sympathetic smile and pat on the back as he stood up. "i've gotta get back and so should you. the group photo is soon and you really don't want to be late for that.. you know how the photographer is." juyeon turned on his heel and without anything else to say, he retreated back into the building.

minho was stuck staring at the same spot for the next five minutes. his mind was moving too fast for him to completely comprehend half of what he was thinking. he had been trying to absorb and think about everything juyeon said to him but it just wasn't working. he knew he had to go though, then he could think about it after the shoot. and maybe he could even talk to jeongin.


A/N thank you guys so much for 2.5k views, that is genuinely amazing and it means a lot. i know i say it a lot but i hope you guys are enjoying where this is going ^^

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