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this is gonna be a pretty heavy texting and calling chapter-

hey minho
so about the other day
yk when i was all like
and then you left
yeah well just uhh forget about it
it was just a stupid question
jeongin answered it for me so
delivered 12:19 pm

2 hours later

sorry for the late reply
been busy, winter and everything
coming up yk
anyways dw about it i forgot about
it until just now when i saw ur messages

oh oh okay
well have fun ig
tell jeong i said hi
he did mention he had
a shoot dk if it's with you tho

yeah he's here so is hyunjin
but ion think yk him
anyways thnx gl with ur songs
seen 2:32 pm


3:15 pm

jeongin (italics)
jisung (normal)

"...hyung, chan already apologized
he felt bad about making the topic
yesterday. he still thinks you should
tell him though"

"yeh yeh i'm not telling minho
anything and i'm not mad at
chan he's not wrong if i do theres
literally so many different endings
good and bad so... but i'm still not
telling him. there is really no reason to"

"hyung can i ask? why did you make
the account in the first place? i mean
sure you said minho hyung caught your
eye but then what? you decided to just
make a fan account with all those
captions and especially the name? those
both definitely are more than just an
average fan wanting to share the love
with others. trust me i've seen other fan
accounts and yours is a different level"

"i made it because i thought minho
was hot. mmm sure i wanted to share
the hotness with others but as i kept on
with the account, it kinda just blew up
and then 3racha blew up and it was
i guess it was an escape outlet of a sort
somewhere i could go and be open about
feelings without people knowing
who i was and judging me because of it
it felt safe ya know? leave my life of
people stalking my account, listening to my
music, sending me hate and threats.
go somewhere where i could appreciate
someone who works just as hard as me or even
harder but actually is shown the respect and love
that i wish i was shown.... the comments
and the captions they are my true feelings but
for the most part definitely over exaggerated"

"jisung. hyung, listen to yourself.
minho is your inspiration, someone you
like and look up to. sure the comments
are sometimes strange but under it
all is a fan who just wants to be seen.
who wants to be heard for who they
are and what they can do rather than
be labeled by the views of others. it's not
the best life, modeling. we've got to look
certain ways for the standards or we break
the standards. people label us. we're human
just like you are. minho will understand if
you tell him that you're the owner of the

"i just... i don't know jeong. i like the guy
but what do i really know about him than
what i've been told or seen on camera? i
know next to nothing."

"it's your choice in the end hyung.
but remember what i said, mmk?
anyways i gotta go, i'm up next for
the shoot i'll come drop by later with
snacks, you can invite felix and seung

"yeah... thanks jeong. if i invite
felix then he'll definitely will
want to invite changbin and he'll
tell chan and then he'll wanna go
so he's not left alone at the dorm
you should bring hyunjin just so
you aren't just crowded by my weird
friends and stuff"

call ended.


"yah! jeongin, have you seen my phone?" minho had just finished his shoot and he was currently wandering around the salon area searching under the piles of outer coats to find the device.

"no? i'd help but i gotta get touch ups. here. call your phone" the younger male fumbled around for a second before he pulled his phone from a bag of snacks. "you know the passcode right?" the male was answered with a quick nod and he nodded back in confirmation, rushing off to get his makeup touched up before they started.

humming softly, minho put in the passcode, his thumb moving to swipe out to the home screen but the name at the top of the screen caught his eye.


three days ago

hyunjin knows about the
he doesn't know it's you
who runs it
but he might found out
i mean he's not the brightest
when it comes to putting together
pieces but
be careful

so that must be how
minho found out about it
remember how i told you
about the cafe??
yeah he brought it up and i
was wondering where he found it
although now that i think about it
i think he did say hyunjin showed
it to him-
must've not been paying attention
anyways i'll be careful
can you keep an eye on him?

i'll try
jinnie has been going out a lot
lately when he doesn't have a
schedule so he probably forgot
all about it
seen 5:28 pm

today 2:59 pm

hey can i call u rq?

uhhh yeah hold on
i'm getting ready for a shoot so
i'll call i like ten k?

yeah that works
seen 3:00 pm

A/N this chapters lay out is confusing
but pay attention to the time stamps
in the texts and stuff as well as the
times in bold before each section

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