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It's been about three day's since they've let me out to roam around freely.
I was strolling down the hallway on my way to take a little nap.

"Justin...christina...melissa.." I stop in front of Azusas door as I hear him mumbling name's. Hmm that's strange I didn't think Azusa would be the type to have friends over as I go to enter my room I hear Azusa scream causing me to rush into his room. "Azusa are you ok-" I come to a halt.. Huh Blood?

Blood covered his white sheets as he was laid out on his bed with slit wrist but he wasn't screaming in pain it..was of pleasure I glance down at his shirtless body that was cascaded in scars and healing wounds. "W-what are you doing!" I shout as suddenly he teleports besides me slamming me against his now closed door.

I stare up at him feeling uneasy"Hey..that hurts let go.." I say trying to duck under him but be presses a knife against my cheek causing me to hold my breath in shock.

"A-azusa.. Put the knife down" I say feeling my heart pace pick up. "Do... you like...pain?" He glides the knife slowly across my left cheek all the way down to my collar bone making me shiver at the cold touch of steal against my trembling frame.

"Let.. me pierce.. that soft skin Eve.." His knife slices me collar bone causing me to yelp in pain "t-that hurts.." I groan as I look into his lust filled eye's,He enjoys seeing me in pain doesn't he..

"Eve.." He leans down licking the blood dripping down to my breast I let out a soft moan.. My body feels hot. Dammit don't tell me I'm getting turned on by being cut up & licked by vampire..

"So..tasty..more" he slices my shoulder as blood pours into into his mouth and onto the gray carpet,I bite my lip holding back my screams as much I am liking this I can't deny that it fucking hurts.

"Do..you want a taste..?" He pushes himself up hovering over me "yes.." Wait why'd i agree!!

He places his cold hands onto my cheeks as he pulls me into a kiss pushing his bloody tongue into my mouth swirling his tongue around mine as a metallic taste fills my mouth..

I am surprised at first but kiss back pushing myself against him,He groans and it makes me go crazy

God that was fucking hot.. We fall onto the bed as I hop on top of him kissing and grinding my hips against him as i feel a growing bulge forming under his pants.. "E-eve.." He mumbles in between the kiss I bite down onto his lips gently,slowly pulling back.

His eyes now full of hunger and pure lust. What am I doing right now? I am making out with a boy I barely know yet I can't get enough it feels so good!!

"Fuck.." I huff out as he starts to remove my shirt.

"What's going on here?" I jolt upwards jumping off of Azusa falling to the floor with a bang,Ruki looks down at me

"Oh..uhm.." I nervously pull down my half taken off shirt as Azusa sets up with a disappointed look in his violet eyes

"I expected better from you Azusa" and with that Ruki teleports away leaving me dazed.. Fucking hell!!

I stand up and look over at Azusa"you..should..go Eve.." He mumbles softly. I sigh leaving his room in defeat.

What has gotten over me it's like I can't get enough of being around any boy.. Am I just hormone crazy?

I go to my room and take a small nap.. Regretting what I just did..


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