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"What was all that ruckus just now" Reiji stands in front of me,"It's nothing.." his eyes trail down to my neck.. Can he smell the blood.. I take a step back glancing at the broken glass on the floor.. "I'll clean this up right away.. I'm sorry"

"I knew I could smell something sweet mmm" I look over to see a male with purple hair and dull purple eye's, he is holding a cute little teddy bear against his chest.. "Is she a knew toy?" He ask caressing my hair.

I slap his hand back causing him to glare.. "You worthless little human how dare you touch me!" He grabs my wrist and squeezes tightly.. "Fuck off!'' I growl trying to pull back. "No she's just staying until we can figure things out" Reiji ignores my current situation, Hm what a jerk but what did I expect.

"Look at that pretty little face" I see a boy with a black fedora and light red hair with green eyes similar to the auburn haired boy looking at me with a sickly smile.. "Kanato I want to join in" he coos. "Get off!!" My heart started to pound against my chest.. "Tch Perv" Subaru was leaning against the wall with his hands in his black jean pockets..

"All this noise is bothersome" A blonde haird boy sighs slouching with his eyes closed and a pair of headphones on.. So they're is six of them.. "That's enough" Reiji scoffs annoyed as the two boys back away. I struggle to catch my breath as I stand to my feet. "I'll be going now.."

I walk back to my room as I feel they're eyes tracing my every move.. They want to suck me dry.. The look in they're eyes was hunger. That boy was right.. I am nothing but a blood bag to them.

Once I enter the room I open up the closet looking for anything to wear since this night gown looks a little crusty I'm not sure how long I've been wearing it.. But I'd say at last a few days.

I pull out a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of leggings. I quickly change into the new set of clothes, It's bit tight around my chest & thighs but this'll do. I turn over to look in the vanity mirror.. My face..i slide my fingers across my cheek looking at my reflection. My once smaller e/c eye's are now a larger more defined e/c.. My hair is still h/c and my skin is the same s/t but my defining features are what's strange.. My lips looked more glossy but are still plump my skin looks extremely soft... It's so smooth, You can't see a single pore in sight..

It almost feels like a dream looking at myself in this form. I pull away when I hear a knock at the door causing me to jolt. "Uh yes?" I ask out loud "The door opens as yui's head pops out.. "Dinner will be ready in five minutes will you be joining us?" She asked smiling at me.

"Sure.." I reply trying to smile back.. As much as I hate the thought of having dinner with those blood suckers.. I am starving.. I can't remember the  last time I had a real meal.. never got to eat regularly in the underworld.

-Small time skip- Me and Yui are walking down the hall way.. "So what's it like living with vampires?" I ask looking over at her, She gasps in shock looking away.. "Well it's okay.. Once you get used to it.." she replies.. Hmm she didn't think I'd know. "That bastard already took a bite" I scoffed pointing over to my neck "Yeah.. It hurts but the pain doesn't last to long I just try not to think about it" I could see a tinge of sadness in her pink orbs.

We arrive in the dining room I take a seat besides her, the other brothers arrive within seconds, I stare down at my empty plate. I don't think I've ever had a dinner with others like this before.. It feels strange.

Yuis pov: i look over as I see y/n was staring at her empty plate, She almost looks emotionless.. I nudge her shoulder,She looks up at me with her e/c eye's "it's okay you can grab anything" I tell her as I take a bite of my pasta, She half smiles and nods as she starts to pile food onto her plate... She's acting like she's ever had dinner before.. I'm sure she's just nervous like I was a month ago.

Back to y/n
After I fill my plate I begin to eat, I felt slightly uncomfortable eating in front of others but I was so hungry I couldn't hold back.. "Y/n I haven't fully introduced you to the others"

"I am Reiji the second eldest, The lazy scum is Shu" he glares daggers over to the blonde haired boy who doesn't seem to have a care in the world "The triplets are Ayato, Laito & Kanato"

"And the youngest Subaru" Subaru scoffs as he bites into a slice of bread vigorously.. "Nice to meet you all.. i'm y/n" I say looking up at them I tried my best to smile. "Why are you making such a stupid face" Ayato calls out with his mouth full. I ignore his rude calls throughout dinner.

"Thank you" i manage to breath out as I push my chair back and stand from the table. Without another word I walk away as I do I hear Reiji click his tongue.. Who gives a fuck what they think at this point clearly I am not needed here so I'm leaving,I barge into the room I had been staying at these past miserable couple of days, I look over to notice a small note on the night stand catching my eyes.. I pick it up as I trace over the words..

"Her time is upon us?.." I blink in confusion as I toss it into the bin.. What do they think I am a joke.. I walk over the the window as I lift the heavy ledge with all my strength.

Once the window slides open I hop out landing on my feet with a thud, I quickly dust myself off as I run towards a black gate surrounding the property, Freedom was so close I could almost taste it, once I reach the gates I push my body up against it but it wouldn't budge.. "Fuck.." I huff out annoyed.. I can't climb this.. If only I had inherited my father's power's.. I was always useless, what good of a queen would I have been... A powerless queen.. I let out a long sigh as slam my fist against the black metal gate.. "OPEN ALREADY!" I scream..

"What are the fuck are you doing" I hear subaru speak out as I flinch at his harsh tone.. "I..nothing.." I reply trying not to make any sort of eye contact with the stubborn vampire.

He makes me nervous.. "Trying to leave" His tone turned soft causing me to look up at him.
"Take this.." He pulled out a sharp shiny dagger from his pocket placing into the palm of my hand.. I look at the dagger and back to him confused.. "If any one tries to stop you use this & pierce they're heart with it.."

"Oh.." I reply clenching onto it. "But one favor I have to ask.." He places his hands over mine as he pushes the dagger up to his chest I gasp looking him in the eyes.. "Kill me first" he breathes out with his husky voice making me shiver..

"I-i can't!" I swiftly pull my hands back in shock as he stands in front of me with a now angry expression "it isn't that hard.. Just do it!!" He shouts causing me to take a step back with the dagger still clenched in my hand.. He slams his fist down besides me with a bang.. "That's right fear me.. Hate me.. Look at me like I'm a monster" he growls as his fangs poke out of his parted mouth.. He looks so hungry..

I gulp with my back now against the fence as I look up at how close Subaru has now gotten to me... "I'm not a-afraid.." I managed to stutter out.. "You can't lie with a face like that.. Look at you trembling" he scoffed pushing himself back.. "Stay here then and be sucked dry for all I care.." He teleported away before I could say another word.. Fuck I thought to myself mentally..

To be continued...

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