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I looked down at the dagger shinning in the moonlight.. "Stab them in the heart..."I spoke softly & slipped the dagger into my boots as I walked back to the mansion in defeat.. The fence is impossible to open.. I have to find another way let's hope the only one who saw me was Subaru. He better not snitch on me but I highly doubt he would... As I crawl back into the window I hit the floor falling on my ass. I groan standing up and dusting off my butt..

"Your invited to my tea party" I jump at the sudden voice.. "Ah.. Kanato" I mumble looking at him standing in the door way with his teddy bear and usual creepy smile... "I'm kinda busy right now.. Maybe later" I say turning around. "I'll punish you.." His voice got deeper causing me to shake.. "I mean... Change of plans I'm not that busy.. I'll go" I say waving my hands..

"I'll be in my room.." He replies walking away.. I rub my head with a sigh.. I didn't sign up for this, i make my way to his room and knock.. He opens the door guiding me inside. "Have a seat.." I take a seat at the small round table as I notice the only things here other then me and kanato are plushies with cute little hats and clothing at the table with tea cups and pastries.. "Looks yummy" I say staring at the sweets.

"Do you like sweets?" I feel his breath against my ear as I look over to see him only meir inches away.. I gulp nodding my head.. "Well I never really had a chance to eat sweets.." I reply not taking my eyes off of his.. "Say ahh" he says holding up what seems to be a cookie up to my lips.. I opened my mouth taking a small bite... "Mmm"

"It's really good" I smile up at him as his dull eyes shine for a small moment.. "I bet you taste even more sweet.."

"K-kan-" I felt myself being pushed down to the ground causing me to gasp for air at the hard impact.. "You smell delicious..." He nuzzles his head into the gap of my neck causing me to shiver as his warm breath trails down to my collar bone... "K-kanato.. Get off.." I try to speak up but it came out as a small whisper.

His tongue glides across my chest as I try to hold back any moans.. Wait why am I enjoying this!? I mentally scream at myself for finding pleasure in this situation.. It must be because I've never had sex or... Any sort of sexual interaction with a male before.

"Your enjoying this.. Naughty little human" His voice deepens into a dominate tone. I blush avoiding his gaze as he pulls down my shirt slightly exposing the top half of my breast.

"W-wait.." I stutter nervously as he leans down to my chest ignoring my cries. He softly bites down on my right breast causing me to whimper in pain and in some sort of pleasure.. Why do I like this..

Snap out of it.

After he drinks for about 30 seconds he pulls away and looks down at me as blood trials down his chin, He licks his lips savoring my taste.

I huff out in embarrassment.. "I was right you are really sweet." He pushed himself off of me. "The tea party is over you are dismissed"

I got off the floor and left the room feeling uneasy.. Why did I just let him do that!! And he just kicks me out like I'm nothing..

Because I am nothing

I swiftly walk down the hall way with my head hung low, I'm an idiot.. I should do what Subaru asked.. Maybe I can spare only him.

I look over my shoulder.. I can't just yet.. The timing has to be perfect.. Even though what Kanato did..it felt good but in reality i am nothing but a food source to them.

I walk into my room locking the door behind me not like it'd make a difference.
I lay in bed thinking of what I should do..

To be continued...

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