Chapter 2

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A/N: So here's chapter two, kinda short, but planning on updating again later today! Also, don't have much experience with writing POV stories, so if you have any advice or tips, let me know. If you ever see a spot where I could improve my writing, please let me know. I enjoy writing short stories and I want to make them enjoyable for you and enjoyable for you to read, so I'm always open to tips and criticism. Happy reading! Let me know why you think!

Asami POV

I stood there shocked, paralyzed in fear at the sight before me. My roommate was laying face down on the kitchen floor and two of the heavy stools from the island were on top of her. One stool had fallen across her back and had one of her arms pinned at an unnatural angle. The other had fallen on her head.

I finally shook off the shock and ran towards her. I picked the stools up off of her and found that she was knocked out and the blood was coming from her head. I felt tears welling up, but quickly tried to push them down. I placed my fingers on her neck, nothing, then her wrist, nothing there either, then tried her neck again, finally. She had a pulse but it was faint and irregular. She had a few gash on the side of her head, above her ear causing the short chestnut hair to be covered in blood. There was another long cut on her tan cheek that ran from her cheekbone to her jaw. I rolled her I her back and yelled for the others because I knew I would need some help. After a few long seconds, my two other roommates came out of their bedrooms to see what was going on. Opal and Jinora were shocked at the sight, just as I was.

I tried to put on my best professional voice to help with the tremble I felt in my voice, but it didn't help at all.

"J-Jinora, I need you to get some towels so we can try to stop the bleeding. Opal, I need the first aid kit, I believe she has a broken arm and we need to stabilize and wrap it," I said to the two girls, as I cradled her head in my hands. The girls ran back into their rooms to get the supplies and I felt her starting to stir. I looked down and was met with brilliant blue eyes.

"...Korra," I whispered.

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