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You know when you were a kid and your parents would have you stay on the couch all day if you were sick? That's exactly what Luke and Willie made me do. I usually slept up on the loft but Luke really channeled his inner mom. It was the first time I had slept up there in two weeks. It was definitely better than that old couch.

Sleeping in the loft was the first thing to go back to normal in my life. Then people stopped acting sorry for me, then we started playing our normal music schedule. It was amazing. I didn't realize how much I had missed the little things like that. I like normal. Everything is always perfect and you don't have to worry.

I hopped down from the loft and walked out of the studio. I saw Julie and Luke sitting on the porch. They seemed to be in the song writing zone so I didn't want to bother them. Reggie was inside with Ray so I decided to go find Willie. I went to our favorite cafe downtown and saw him with Jay. I hid in the back so neither of them would see me.

"And your sure the stamp is gone? All of it?" Jay asked. Willie nodded his head. "It's not there. I just have to check the board to make sure we're totally out of the clear." I had totally forgotten about the board. It wasn't really safe for anyone to check it but I knew it had to be done. We had to be sure everything was fine.

I went back to the studio and Willie was already there. "Hey." He said. "I have to check the board just to make sure and if you want to you can come with me. You don't have to but I figured you might want to." I thought about it for a minute. I was kind of afraid but Willie had risked himself so many times for me. I least I could do was go with me. "Let's go." I said. We grabbed each other's hand and poofed out.

We were in an alley behind the club. "We have to go unnoticed. Tell me if you see anyone or hear anything." He said. I nodded and we walked into the club. It was only 11 a.m so the place was pretty dead. I had never seen the board before and it was a little hard to find. There were a ton of windy hallways that seemed to lead no where. After running around for a few minutes, we found it.

"It goes by last name so if you're on it, it will be under M." Willie said. We started searching the board. There were so many names on it. I didn't realize how many people Caleb had control over.

I started reading at the name beginning with Me. I read every single one. Not one of them was Mercer. I want be totally sure. I read every M last name til I got to Mu. Nothing. I wanted to celebrate but I knew we had to get out of there. We couldn't poof inside the club so we ran as fast as we could out the door. No one saw us.

Willie and I poofed back into the studio and immediately pulled each other in for a hug. We were both so happy. It was finally over. Everything we had been through in the past two weeks was over. It was huge weight off my shoulders. We went outside and told Julie, Luke, and Reggie the good news. We jumped into a huge group hug. It was amazing. We could just live our lives and not have to worry about the stupid stamp or Caleb. Freedom.

When I died again - Alex MercerWhere stories live. Discover now