Day 10

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Authors note: This chapter is back to Alex's point of view. Enjoy!

I abruptly opened my eyes. They stung from the light above me. My head was throbbing. I looked around the room and saw Willie walk in. "You're awake!" He said running over to me. He put his arms around me and sighed with relief. "What happened?" I asked weakly. "You passed out." He said. I had no memory of that. The last thing I remember was Willie telling me we had to recreate the hug.

Willie explained what happened. After I had passed out Jay decided to go back to his office and do some research. I was really hoping he would figure out how to fix me while doing so. The gang took turns watching me all night so I wouldn't be alone when I woke up. I was so thankful to have friends as amazing as them.

Shortly after Willie finished explaining, Luke came in. "Alex, I'm so glad you're awake." He said. He had a smile of relief on his face. Everyone was relieved that I was ok. It made me nervous at first. Did they think I wasn't going to wake up? Just then I remembered my right arm was gone. You would think that would be hard to forget. Luckily that was the only thing to disappear so far.

"I think you should try to stand." Luke said. I nodded my head and sat up. Once I was upright I got a little dizzy. It wasn't that bad compared to what I've already gone through. Willie and Luke helped stand. The dizziness was at a whole new level. My legs turned into jello and I couldn't support my weight anymore. Willie and Luke carefully set me back down on the couch. I laid down and tried to get the room to stop spinning.

After a few minutes the room finally stopped spinning but my head was still killing me. It felt like the room got even brighter. "Can you guys turn out the lights." I asked in pain. Luke walked over to the light switch and flipped it. My eyes quickly adjusted to the small amount of light in the room. I looked over at Luke and Willie who both looked really nervous. I was nervous too but I didn't want to show it.

"I- I'll be right back." Willie said. He ran out of the studio and into the yard. Luke sat down next to me and tried to distract me from everything. It was nice of him but it wasn't really working. I could hear Willie weeping. Reggie and Julie were talking to him and trying to make him feel better. There was no use and trying to make any of us feel better. Everyone felt awful for me and I just felt awful. We all knew I was dying all over again. There's no point in hiding the truth.

Willie came back in with Julie and Reggie. He seemed a little calmer but wiped the occasional tear from his cheek. I just wanted to hug him but I knew if I sat up I would get dizzy again. They all sat around me. Luke on the couch, Willie on a chair, Reggie on the table and Julie on the floor. We sat in silence for a minute til Reggie broke the quiet.

"Let's a play a game." He said. Honestly, it wasn't a bad idea. A game could definitely lift everyone's spirits. Reggie stood up and grabbed his favorite game, What Do You Meme. Me, Luke, and Reggie didn't really understand the pictures but it was still a fun game. We each grabbed our cards and started playing. It was a really good distraction from what was going on. It was the first time I had smiled in a while and I didn't want it to end.

When I died again - Alex MercerWhere stories live. Discover now