Chapter 12

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"Quickly now. We need to leave." Gabriel began ushering us as we shoved supplies into our bags. I reach for the last bag of food, my hand stops when Am's lands on mine. Startled, I look up and into Am's eyes. I open my mouth to speak but Am quickly pulls her hand away and looks away, closing her bag, Slowly, I place the food in my bag and sling it over my shoulder and turn to see Mrs M giving me a knowing look.

"If we leave now we have a good chance of reaching the portal by sundown. We get to Earth, find a place to stay for the night." Gabriel headed for the door, closely followed by Am and Mrs M. I hesitated then ran out the door after them, letting the door slam shut, echoing throughout the hallway sending shivers down my spine.

"Thank you very much." Mrs M waved to the owner as Gabe and Am made for the door. The early morning light gave a lively tone to Gabe's skin and the whites of Am's eyes stood out more than usual against her dark skin. 

My skin tingles as I look back at Gabe, the sun glistening in his wet hair. His hair now silver from his shower, staying out of his face, grey eyes in full sight, an unfamiliar spark bringing them to life.

"Gaz." Mrs M startles me, causing me to raise my fists in a defensive position. A natural reflex since I lost my parents. "Gaz?"

"Sorry." I mumble, letting my fists drop.

"Ready?" Mrs M's eyes wide.

"Uh-huh." I move off, embarrassed. Again. "Shouldn't we be heading east? We're going back the way we came." I note to Gabriel.

"I spotted Demon Hunters in the village. We'll go around to the west, loop back from the back side of the valley to avoid contact with unwanted visitors." Satisfied,  I let my wings be free. We trek in silence towards the thick of the forest. By the time that we reach the opening in the centre, it was midday. Exhausted, Am leant on her knees, panting heavily.

Gabe was caked in sweat and exhausted and saw it in our eyes. He slung his bag off and grabbed out some sandwiches. Catching mine in mid-air, I tear off the wrapping and take a huge bite. As I eat my lunch, I do not register the soft bread, the fresh salad in my mouth. My mind and body are numb as I process the events of the last few days. I hear a faint whimper escape my mouth as I think of the events yet to come.

Mrs M and Gabe and wondered off slightly and were frowning over the map, arguing over the best route to take back towards the village. Am and I sat awkwardly in silence, neither one of us had spoken to the other since our disagreement.

You want to say something, just say it. Am snaps in my mind.

What is your problem?

You. You don't know what to do with your love life. Cain turns out to be Satanic, you fall for Gabriel and you love them both. How does that work out?

Ok, I'll admit it. I still love Cain. But Gabriel is good for me. I'm sorry if I've fallen in love.

Am hesitated, and I smiled smugly like the jerk I'm not. What's the matter, can't find a retort to the truth. It hurts don't it. And you feel like shit afterwards.

You're love sick. You're still suffering from losing Cain and go to the first person you come across. Gabe. What if he's not the one for you?

You mean 'What if I liked him first?' I'm sorry but I don't ever recall love being considered illegal or an act of Satanism. 

You just a jerk, you know that. Worse than the off spring of the Devil himself! Am stood and stormed off, leaving me in a haze. My best friend, Amana, the most loyal person I know just insulted me using Satan's name and now I'm expected to save the World as we know it with her?

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