🌇chapter 4🌇

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Gon had fallen asleep on the other boys bed holding killua's neckless, of course this wasn't the first time gon had done that, and it definitely wasn't the last time. Killua smiled fondly at gon from beside him. He admired gon for always protecting him, he wished someday he would be able to do the same for his best friend. No matter how long it took. Killua got off the bed carefully trying not to hurt gon or make any move that could wake him.

Killua walked over to the door and unlocked it timidly and peeked outside. No one was in the living room but he could hear Bisky moving around in the kitchen.

He slipped out, leaving the door behind him slightly ajar, and walked across the living room and through the open arch into the kitchen area.

The floor was a warm grey tiling, to his left, a large dining space with a big wood table and some chairs.

To the left, an open kitchen with a bar counter and marbled quartz countertops.

He could just see Bisky over the counter from where he was.

He walked over and pulled out a stool, sitting awkwardly as Bisky moved around.

When she finally noticed him, her eyes widened a touch and then she went back to cooking, a smile on her lips.

"Killua," she greeted warmly.

Killua hummed acknowledgment.

"Was your room alright or do we need to change something?"

Killua turned his head away slightly.

"It was fine."

Bisky nodded.

A couple more seconds of silence led to Bisky wondering why he was here, and maybe giving him something to do.

"The boys are upstairs if you want to see what they're up to? I'll call you all down when dinner is ready," She suggested.

"Alright," Killua responded, getting up and putting the stool back as he headed upstairs.

Bisky frowned, that wasn't exactly the reaction she had been looking for.

She'd have to start phrasing things differently with them…

Killua made his way upstairs, which was carpeted in the same blonde the downstairs had been.

Once he reached the top, he found the whole upstairs to be the same.

It did not take long to locate the siblings. All he had to do was look right, and the open door revealed a room with mute dark blue walls and the two of them playing cards, Leorio in a chair and Kurapika on the bed as they played over the brown desk on the back wall.

He sighed quietly and slowly approached, knocking on the dark wooden door frame when he got there.

In all honesty, he'd rather be downstairs. But Bisky sounded like she had already made up her mind of him coming up here. and he didn't want to fight her. Or anyone really, ever again.

The two boys turned their heads to him and Leorio waved cheerily. "Hey killua! Wheres gon?" Killua stood awkwardly in the door way looking off to the side to avoid eye contact. "Uhm.. He's sleeping right now.. He should be awake soon.." Kurapika nodded in understanding. "You can come in killua" Leorio suggested with a smile, killua walked in sitting a small ways away from Leorio and kurapika. Giving him a weird look kurapika tried not to stare at him. "Wanna play killua" kurapika asked as he laid a king atop of leorio's queen making the other man growl out if frustration. "Uhm.. No thanks" he decided awkwardly, turning slightly to avoid making eye contact with kurapika seeing colors everywhere.

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