9- breathe

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i can't be the only one that always writes at like 1am anyway- enjoy
slights tw:

a couple of minutes had passed since tommy was pulled out of the water, the group stood around him in shock, niki continued to do cpr tears streaming down her face, a breath "he's breathing!" she cried loudly watching tommy's chest rise and fall slowly, the group let out a collective breath they'd been holding as a they watched

eret picked tommy up and they quickly all moved next to the fire "we need to warm him up" fundy stated carrying blankets out of the tents and covering tommy as his body lay next to the fire, tommy's blonde hair was muddy and soaked, small cuts covered his body from the fall
the group fell into silence all staring at him in disbelief- they knew he was different but didn't know how he was dealing with his emotions, that's where they went wrong, a sense of quilt swept through schlatt as he clasped his hands, he was the first to speak "does anyone know what happened to the boy while he was in l'manburg?" he asked carefully looking at eret and niki. eret and niki looked at each other then back to shclatt "we know some of it" eret stated sitting down by tommy and looking at him before glancing back up
"we- we know they ignored him, he told me once hiw they'd forgotten it was tommy's birthday, they were to busy playing cards or mining, that was tommy's 6th birthday"

niki and eret shared all they knew if tommy's past to shclatt and fundy, the story's of tommy being forgotten and neglected continued leaving fundy close to tears and shclatt in complete shock
"he's perfect" shclatt eventually said shocking everyone
"what?!" niki said astonished
"tommy will get his revenge, we all will, but tommy is their weakness" schlatt paused "tommy means a lot to me... i want to see him gain his revenge, along with everyone here, and he's got the motive to join us" he sighed but gained 3 nods from his companions

tommy woke early the next morning, he winded his eyes feeling a hand in his shoulder, he could tell it was fundy and memories from the night before came flooding back to him, the clif, the feeling of hair wiping his face, the drowning sensation, he sat up fundys arm falling from his shoulder indicating the fox boy was still asleep

tommy sighed scratching his head as he moved his neck from side to side, normally he would if looked like he was looking around, but no tommy was very much blind, the loud crack of his neck finally came, he sighed yet again standing up and stretching his ears open for any sound of noise at all, he heard a zip of a tent then someone almost push him off his feet "tommy!" niki hugged him tightly letting go as eret did the same
"morning to you too" tommy's said raising a eyebrow

"dont do that again!" eret said patting him on the back
"you know eret, for once i'm not". silence

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