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Evening fell ...

- Kabir left his room upset and went to the upper deck of the steamer inhaling air ... Head to the ledge, hoping to calm down ... Close his eyes to relax ...

After a few moments ... 

someone put his hand on his hand ... he thought it was Esha or maybe  Ajay, but he was surprised when he saw Radhika in front of him ... there were signs of resentment and sadness on her face .. she looked at him in a painful way, he kept looking in her eyes, which was full of tears ...

He started to speak

- Kabir: Are you okay Radhika?  ...

- Radhika: I don’t know why I felt that I should tell you something that might benefit you or help and perhaps relieve you ..

-Kabir was amazed at this way of speaking ...

-Kabir: go ahead all ears ...

- Radhika: Sometimes we have to achieve something  we are forced  On the other hand, sacrificing something else that can be something dear to our heart, but this is life does not give us everything we wish we only take what is destined for us, no matter how we try to play with fate, but he is the one who wins and the result may often not satisfy us, but with time we will accept it and know it was  In our favor and be sure that the destiny is fair with everyone, be sure that it pays off and never neglects good people!  ...

Kabir kept looking at her and wanted to take her in his arms after a painful tear fell from her eyes ... She was leaving but he grabbed her hand ...

-Kabir: Thank you very much for my lioness !!  ... he did not know how this word came out of his mouth, he always called her as a lioness during the days of their friendship ... she turned to him and smiled ...

-Radika: welcome ...

She was going to hug him, but she became aware of herself when she saw Isha, so she remembered what happened a little while ago, so she moved away from him  She left to her room quickly ... Kabir also left thinking about what had just happened, and he never gave a standard  to Isha ...

Radhika entered her room, sighing, tense, closed the door, and headed towards the window, blaming herself ...

-Radhika: What happened a while ago, what did I do, how did I tear my eyes in front of him and allowed my emotions to overcome me, this is not me ... I am not Radhika Mehra, the strong business woman ..ufff, why all this tension, I am not like this ... Maybe if I sleep now I would rest a little ... She slept for about two hours ....

Angrily Pooja: Ajay, where are you ?!  Ajay !!  .....

- Ajay: Why are you screaming like a rooster ....

- Pooja: An hour ago I was shouting at you to appear in my face and say that I am in the bathroom when I insist on you, naturally there is something important ...

- Ajay: I was in the bathroom getting ready  Do I need your permission to do this?  Well,  tell me why all this anger  ....

- Pooja: Sorry, I did not mean what I said, but I am really angry at that b*tch girl. I don’t know why I feel that she is going for something dangerous and we will pay for it ....

- Ajay: Pooja, calm down. You are now upset and tense. You are unable to think. Listen, I am with you that wasn't the right time, but you didn’t see how Kabir responded to her ...

- Pooja: And you didn’t notice how Radhika was destroyed after hearing her… Did you not notice how she left the room without showing any reaction trying to control herself.  . I was the only one who saw how she tight her fist was so tight that she did not notice that her hand was bleeding ....

Ajay embraced her ...

- Ajay: This is a positive reaction for us, it was our plan to make her feel jealous of him, and she reacted, I mean.  Isha is helping us, not destroying us ... and in any case in the evening there is a musical celebration ... so there is a good opportunity to bring them closer together and I know what to do. I have arranged something for them or in fact for all of us, even the festivities .... Do not worry, I will not  Make her beat us up ... In the evening we will see who will be with Kabir Isha or Radika!..

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