Chapter 1

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One day, Ellis Grey brought her 4 year old daughter Meredith Grey to the playground, which was rare. But it wasn't the playground down the street from their house. Ellis drove 2 hours to a playground uptown.

"Mommy, where are we going?" Meredith asked. "We're going to a playground." Ellis replied. "Really? You gonna play wif me?" Meredith asked excitedly. "Sure." Ellis lied.

It was late and dark, around 6 when the two got to the playground. Meredith got herself out of the car and ran to the playground. Meredith struggled to get her tiny body onto the swing, but she eventually did it. "Mommy! Mommy! Come push me!" Meredith exclaimed. She looked around for her mother, but did not see her. She didn't even see her car. "Mama?" Meredith called out. Nothing.

Meredith hesitantly looked around and her lip quivered dangerously when she didn't see not one person. Meredith knew what to do though, her daddy told her before she left. "If you ever get lost, stay where you are. Mommy or daddy will find you." She could still hear thatchers voice in her head. Meredith went to a bench and sat down. She attempted to wrap her small jacket around her body, trying to keep the warmth in on a cold night. She shivered and tears streamed down her face as she tried to stay calm.

9 year old Derek, Mark and his family were on their nightly walk. "Dad, mom, can we go play on the playground for a few minutes?" Derek asked. His sisters cheered in agreement and looked at their parents. "Okay." Carolyn Shepherd sighed. The kids ran to the playground and they jumped on the swings.

Carolyn and michael Shepherd made their way to the benches on the playground when they saw the little girl. "Mama? Is that a kid?" Kathleen asked. Kathleen was the middle child. She was 12. "It looks like it." Carolyn said as she walked over to the girl. She gently shook the little girl awake. "Mama?" Meredtih asked sleepily. "No dear. My name is Carolyn. Where's your mommy? Or your daddy?" Carolyn asked softly. "Mommy leaved me here. But I think she's coming back. And daddy leaved a long time ago." Meredith explained as tears formed in her eyes once again.

"What's your name honey?" Michael asked. The shepherds surrounded Meredith. "Meredith Grey." She said quietly. "Who's your mommy? What's her name?" Carolyn asked. "Ellis Grey." Meredith responded timidly. "As in the Ellis Grey? The general surgeon?" Nancy exclaimed. At 14, she wanted to be a doctor. Meredith nodded. "How about you come inside for a little while? You must be cold." Michael said. The little girl hesitantly nodded and got off the bench.

"My name is Derek." The slightly older boy said as he came up to Meredith. "Hi Derek." Meredith said. They all entered the Shepherd household and sat down on the couch. "Meredith, where do you live? Do you know?" Carolyn asked quietly. "43 Seattle Road." Meredith replied. "That's almost 2 hours away." Michael said with a frown. "I'll call your mom." Carolyn said.

She dialed the hospital and got through immediately. "Can I plewse speak to Ellis Grey? It's an emergency." She asked the receptionist. After some arguing, Ellis Grey took the phone.  "Hello? Who is this?" The sharp voice asked. "Hi, my name is carolyn Shepherd. Your daughter Meredith is with us." Carolyn said. "Did you forget her or...." Carolyn trailed off. "I left her. I don't want her anymore. I signed all my rights away. Bring her to a group home or keep her. I don't care." Ellis said sternly. "But-." Carolyn said in shock as the phone hung up.

Carolyn walked back to the living room and smiled when she saw derek, Mark and Meredith deep in conversation. She saw the little yawn and rub her eyes sleepily. She watched as the littles girls eyes close shut, and a soft snore come from her mouth. "Derek, Mark, do you mind if she sleeps in one of your guys' bed tonight?" Michael asked. "She can sleep in mind." Derek offered. Michael nodded and scooped the little girl up in his arms. She sleepily wrapped her arms around his burly neck and rested her head in the crook of his neck.

Carolyn and michael went upstairs and he carefully placed Meredith in dereks bed. The small girl made the twin bed look big as she curled into the blankets. "Goodnight Meredith." The two parents said as they quietly left the room.

"What did her mom say?" Michael asked. "She doesn't want her. She signed all her rights away, and told us to bring her to a foster home, which isn't happening." Carolyn said sternly. "Is that okay?" Carolyn asked. "We have 5 girls in the house; what's one more?" Michael asked with a smile.

Derek, Mark, and their sisters were all eavesdropping on their parents conversations. "Her mom doesn't want her?" Derek asked in shock. "Some parents don't want to be parents." Nancy explained simply. "Where she gonna stay?" Mark asked. "I domt know. Knowing mom she'll stay with us." Nancy said with a laugh.

They heard their parents come downstairs and they scurried back to the couch. "So guys, we have to talk to you." Carolyn said as her and Michael sat down. "What mama?" Amelia asked. Amelia was 4 as well, so her and Meredith would probably get along well. "Meredith doesn't have a family. Normally, we would bring her to a foster home. Do you guys know what that is?" Carolyn asked. The younger kids shook their head while the older kids nodded. "Well, a foster home is a big house for kids who don't have families. They don't normally get treated well there. So, we were thinking, if it were all right with you guys, then maybe Meredith could stay with us." Carolyn explained.

"Like she would live with us?" Kathleen asked. "Yes, she would live with us." Michael replied. "But she's a girl." Mark argued. "Mark Jeremy Sloan, I thought you were past girls and 'cooties'." Carolyn scolded. Mark mumbled something Incoherent and turned away. "Is everyone okay with that?" Michael asked. "Yeah!" Derek, Kathleen, and Amelia exclaimed happily. "Sure." Mark, Nancy, and Lizzie said.

Meredith soon secured a place in each of the Shepherds hearts.

I domt know if I'll continue this, this just popped into my head and I was bored so I wrote it lol...lmk if you guys want me to continue.

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