The Deal

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I look at Lyssa. I just realized now that she has the most perfect skin, soft and glow, her caramel eyes make me drowning to her, her soft lips that I kiss until we both pant. Her luscious body, perfect ass, creamy skin... so perfect.

Zac clears his throat. My eyes snap to him. He raises his eyebrow at me in question, like why the hell are you looking at her like you are ready to fuck her?

I do.. if I have my way, she is already in my room and tangled in my bed. But I'm not going to say anything to Zac. Not until Lyssa and I talk. So I just gave him my nonchalant face.

He chuckles a bit and shakes his head.

The dinner went well. Allison doesn't seem angry to Lyssa at all. Actually Allison looks too happy to be angry at anyone right now. You can pour the wine to her head and she still gives you her smile. Her happiness is so obvious. But I'm not responsible if her loving boyfriend kills you right in the place.

I lean to Lyssa "your sister looks so happy, how can you think she would be upset with you?" I whisper.

She leans to me and whispers back, "I didn't know. I haven't seen her until this morning. Last night she slept at Zac's. So when she told me she wasn't mad at me in the text, I didn't believe her. I panicked you know."

I chuckle. "That's just because you love your sister so much," I say softly at her and caress her cheek.

She smiles at me. Her face pink a bit. She pulls back and looks at her sister and Zac. Both of them looked at us like they were watching a movie. An interesting one.


I would love to drive Lyssa back to her apartment, but my asshole best friend snatched the opportunity right in front of my face. Damn you, Goldreich!

So here I am driving alone in my Bugatti to my apartment. While the kissing scene with Lyssa keeps playing in my head.

I arrive at my apartment and text her.

Dave: Are you home?

Lys: yes Dave. Thanks for today :)

Dave: which one? The kiss, the snowman or the permission to have early lunch break?

Lys: all of it except the first one you said 😳

Dave: talk to you tomorrow about that, Lyssa. Good night.

Lys: goodnight bossman!

I chuckle. I need to prepare myself before our talk tomorrow.



I blink "excuse me?"

I'm in my office with Lyssa. I told her I want to explore what we have and her answer is no?! What the hell I thought we were on the same page in the same book.

"I want you to forget about the kiss. Let's just go back as employer employee."


"There are rules in here that state you cannot have inter office dating."

"What the hell? Where is that coming from? Look at my sister and Marcus!"

"That's different!"

"There is nothing different. And how can you know there is that point in our office rules? Were you coming to the office to snag someone?"

She glares at me. "No mister! Bailey told me when she fired your marketing staff because she flirted with your finance manager. Remember!"

Ah yeah.. that happened half a year ago.

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