How you meet

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Johnny: You were friends with the boys that were on the beach and you had just accepted daniel into your group which adds another boys, then the cobras came down and beat up Daniel and you slapped him.

Bobby: You were sat with the girls on the beach and when the cobra kais came down, you didn't really know what to do because you had just moved to reseda with your brother daniel. bobby say you sat alone and came to see if you were okay

Tommy: After asking the boys if they wanted a 'warm one' and giving it to Jimmy, He turned to his right to see you talking to Freddie and he thought you were 'too pretty' to be hanging out with them so he found an excuse to go down (Ali and daniel) so he could steal you off Freddie

Jimmy: You were having a nice walk on the beach at night and then you turned and saw a blonde boy and another boy fighting with people gathering around them. So you turned to go the other direction but Jimmy saw you and thought you looked pretty so he chased after you and introduced himself

You were walking along a walk way just above the beach (idk what they are called) and saw five boys all on motorbikes 🏍 so you walked passed and exclaimed 'nice bikes' while shoving a piece of paper in to Dutch's chest which had your number on it.

(Yes Ik they all met on the beach , it's just closer to where it started because let's be honest everyone wants to be with them as long as possible)

Also Ik I put the word 'lads' in the Bobby preference, I'm British and if you don't know what it means, it basically just mean boys

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