(11) Ring A Ding

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A week later 

Bucky and the group were hanging out around the fountain. When Jordan was about to walk off he hopped off the side of the fountain. 

"Hey.." he said 

She turned around. "What's your problem with me?" He said 

She didn't say anything she looked off. "Boys talk you know. Boys in the locker room talk and I know you have been with atleast two of our boys on the team. So it's not a football player thing it's a me thing." He said 

She looked down. "So what the fuck?" He said 

"Dude just let it go." Clint said 

"No I will not let it go Clint!" He said 

Jordan looked at him. "This attitude right here is why I don't want to date you. You are nothing but a cocky asshole." She said 

"You don't know anything about me.." he said 

She pulled out her phone. "Actually I do.." she said 

She held up her phone. "Remember this? Remember how you stood up in front of the whole school and did this?" She said as the video played. 

Sam Clint Steve all lost color in their face. "Where did you get that? They said it was destroyed..and deleted." Bucky said 

She looked down and pulled up her hospital pictures. "Or how about this. When you girl and her friends did this.." she said 

He looked at her. "Where did you get those?" He said 

"My name is Jordan Violet Clayton you son of Bitch! It's me! The girl you ruined! So no I don't want to date you after you what you and your little possee did to me!" She said as she held up a selfie of her make up free. 

"J-J J-J.." he whispered 

Memories began to flash through his head in black and white. The cafeteria the hospital visit the locker room where him and Ross were arrested. The interrogation room and finally the days he tries to forget juvenile hall. 

Jordan began to walk on as Naya and Jaylynn went after. Wanda looked at him "She told us last weekend. You have some fucking nerve." She said as she cut him a look.

Natasha just shook her head as Yelena and her walked off. Hot tears began to fall down his cheeks he wiped them away and picked up his bag and left campus. He went to his parents house and told us dad. 

"Son.." he said as he sat beside him. 

"Mom always told you that one day you were going regret it." Brandon said 

"Bran not now." He whispered. 

"I'm just saying dad. Mom always said that and I bet if she was lucid she would say that." Brandon said as he loaded the dishwasher. 

Two years ago Winnie was diagnosed with Alzheimer's which at the time she thought was a sick joke cause her husband was neurosurgeon. So was her oldest son and her second son would soon be one. Bucky went into the bedroom where they had her laid up pretending to work. 

"Hey baby bad day. Come cuddle up here with mama." She said 

James leaned in his ear. "She thinks you are 8." 

He shook his head as he slipped off his hoodie and shoes and laid with his head in her lap. 

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