The beach

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I remember the weekend we met like it was yesterday.
Every once and a while we take a weekend trip to my grams house in Virginia Beach. My parents told me we were going to look at houses, and me being the oblivious 16 year-old I am said ok, thinking they meant look for a new house for grams, so now they thought I would be ok with moving.

Just great. It was our last day and they wanted to check a few more houses out and I didn't. My parents told me to go to the beach and enjoy it, so I did since they sent me by myself.

My feet had just hit the walkway when I turned on my music, the first song playing was " wouldn't it be nice" by The Beach Boys. One of my favorite songs of all time!

My feet hit the sand when I saw a group of boys playing volleyball and what I'm guessing was a mom and a daughter watching and laughing their heads off.

The boys on my side were actually pretty good, but the boys on the other side sucked. I watched as they failed to get the ball over the net. I turned my back and regretted it as soon as I did.

All the sudden my vision went white then black. The last thing I remember was someone with very pretty blue eyes running over to see if I was ok, and then my world went black.
I was in the middle of playing a game with chubs my best-friend, Harry my stepdad, and Cole my annoying older brother. Me and chubs absolutely sucked at sports so they put us on the same team for volleyball.

Mom and Claire laughed as they watched us while being pelted with sand. I looked over past cole and Harry and saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She didn't go to our school, summer break, I thought.

She was blasting her music in her earbuds, "wouldn't it be nice" by The Beach Boys, my favorite song. I panicked as the ball came flying at me, this time when I hit it, it actually went over the net, but went straight into the girlshead.

She crumpled to the ground as soon as her mind registered what happened. I ran over to her, she looked at me with these beautiful emerald green eyes before they shut and she went limp.

Cole burst out with laughter as Harry, mom , and Claire ran over to see if she was ok. " Stop-it Cole it's not funny. She could be seriously hurt!"

"She got hit with a ball in the head lee! Not hit with a truck!" He was still laughing when she finally came back to her senses. "That looked like that hurt darlin'. Let me go get you some ice." Harry said to her.

She looked around with wild eyes. "Omg I'm so sorry, I'm really really sorry, I'm really bad at spo-" I started to say but was cut off by chubs.

"Are you in any pain? Do you have a headache? How many fingers do I have up? What's your name? Do you know where you are?" And thats when I heard the sweetest voice.
I don't know how long I was out, or if I was even out really but all I knew is there were those same pretty blue eyes there when I woke back up.

I heard laughing and someone saying they were getting ice and I could see the guy with the blue eyes yelling at a someone laughing whose name I now knew was Cole, he was then profusely apologizing to me.

Someone butted their way in and was asking me if I was in pain and all. " I'm fine." Was all I could muster out. I was still so confused.

"I'm at Virginia Beach right? And my name is y/n." As soon as I was up with ice on my head I could think. "My name is Liam." The boy said.

"That's Cole, my brother, my mom, Harry my stepdad, chubs my best-friend and my little sister Claire." Claire had the biggest smile.

"I'm sorry...chubs?"

" it's Charles to you missy." He said with a lot of sass.

"Yeah he was a lot more beefed up before summer break." Said Liam. "Look I'm really really sorry is there anyway I could repay you?"

"Ice cream!" That's the first thing I could think of. He thankfully agreed as we made our way up to the board walk.

We slowly made out way back to the beach and sat out by the shore for hours and just talked. I sat there with him and chubs for what felt like eternity until chubs had to leave.

The sun would be setting soon so I was just waiting for my parents to tell me I had to come home. We talked about school and where I was from, friends, family, what we were like when we were little.

"Y/n I ..... i reall-" Liam was about to say something when my mom called telling me I have to come home. Liam walked me to my car and we exchanged numbers.

" wait lee. What were you gonna say before my mom called."

"Oh I was just gonna say I had a really fun time. I guess it was worth you getting hurt." I laughed my head off at that. He gave me a small wave as a pulled out of the parking spot and that was the last time I thought I would see him.
After she assured us I took her for ice cream to pay her back. We sat down at the beach and talked for hours. Chubs sat with us for a while until he had to leave.

We talked about our families, friends, school and other stuff. She was so pretty sitting down by the water with a green sundress on. I wanted to tell her that I liked her so bad.

I only knew her for a few hours but I feel like we had such a connection. No other girl has made me feel this way. "Y/n I...I reall-" her mom called her cutting me off. She had to leave  and go home, back to Salem, back to Thurmond.

Just as I was saying goodbye we exchanged numbers. I turned to leave but she asked me what I was gonna say at the shore, I lied and I don't know why, I could've been honest with her, its not like I would see her ever again, but I didn't.

I told her I had a really fun time and her getting hurt was worth it. She found that hysterical. Her laugh was the sweetest sound I've ever heard, as she pulled out of her parking spot, she rolled down her window and I yelled to her "you know I'll see you again!"

I lied, I thought I wouldn't see her again. But here she was, staring at me with those emerald eyes, at my school in my English class.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now