The elements

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there's four-five elements. including fire, water, earth, air, and sometimes spirit. fire is the element of the south, earth is the element of the north, air is the element of the east, and water is the element of the east. 

their meanings:

earth- fertility, wealth, abundence, strength, wisdom

colors: green, brown, yellow

cardinal direction: north

zodiac signs: taurus, virgo, capricorn

tools: pentacle, salt

tarot suit: pentacles

the earth energy grounds, roots, and connects us to our earthly being and earthly home with the plants, animals, and trees

water- healing, expression, peace, compassion

colors- blue, indigo

cardinal direction: west

zodiac signs: cancer, scorpio, pices

tools: cauldron, chalice

tarot suits: cups

the tides of water energy ebb and flow bringing the currents of emotions that wind and weave along the rivers of life

air- intuition, knowledge, renewal, change

colors: white, silver, yellow

cardinal direction: east

zodiac signs: gemini, libra, aquarius

tools: athame, bells, incense

tarot suits: swords

the air energy uplifts on gentle breezes and gusts on winds creating movements that carries thoughts and communications

fire- passion, inspiration, intuition, creativity, protection

colors: red, orange, gold

cardinal direction: south

zodiac signs: aries, leo, sagittarius

tools: wand, candles

tarot suit: wands

the fire energy bursts forth with vibrant passion, creativity, and action, taking charge and ready to bring ideas into life

spirit- the soul, the divine, the mystery

the spirit holds the intuitive energy of each of the elements woven into the soul. it is an element that is held gently and yet with great strength within each of our beings.

element chants/spells:

air- carry the incense from the altar and walk around the circle. wave the smoke around the circle's edge as you say:

i call upon the element of air to bless this circle may it take my/our prayers to the god and goddess as i/we perform my/our work tonight. 

earth- pick up the pentacle and walk around the circle. hold the pentacle up at each quarter as you say:

i call upon the element of earth to bless this circle may it protect me/us with grounding force as i/we perform my/our work tonight.

fire- pick up one of the altar candles and walk around the circle  hold the candle up at each quarter as you say:

i call upon the element of fire to bless this circle may it grant me/us inspiration as i/we perform my/our work tonight

water- take the bowl of salt water and walk around the circle splash droplets of water around the circle's edge as you say:

i call upon the element of water to bless this circle may it grant me/us inner sight as i/we perform my/our work tonight

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