Colors of orbs

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- White to silver- pure energy, high frequency, strength, new power. A visiting spirit showing peace, harmony, and love

- Pinks- openness, compassion, affection, love. A spirit trying to contact a love one

- Reds- high energy, creative, restlessness, stress, pain, anger. May be a restless spirit

- Oranges- comfort, healing energy, motivation, hope. Strength, courage. May be a spirit of good fortune

- Yellows- pay attention, notice, caution, insight. A warning from a spirit

- Gold- free flowing energy, tolerance, just passing by, good luck, happiness. May be a passing happy spirit

- Greens- neutral, healing, communicative, psychic. May be a spirit who was happy in life visiting or sending healing energy

- Blues- tranquility, protection, intuition. May be a spirit watching over you and sending protective energy

- Purples- at peace, forgiveness, wisdom, spiritual. May be a spirit showing peace and forgiveness

- Brown or blacks- connection to earth, insecure, tortured, trapped, depression. May be from an unhappy spirit stuck in the earth plane.

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