Chapter Twelve

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A Sunday.
Also known as the day Boun and I will go out. We both decided to go shopping together due to the same interest in fashion. I couldn't hold back my excitement the entire night as I anticipated alot for the afternoon. I tend to overreact whenever I get to hang out with him but why wouldn't I? I did not realise I was smiling idiotically till someone snapped their fingers near my face. "Ah, Boun you're done." He was just wearing his casual hawaiian tee with shorts but he still managed to look super darn attractive in it. We headed to the carpark and went in his car. Boun suddenly slipped a facemask into my hands and ordered me to wear it. "Your face is getting more well-known, we don't want to cause trouble." I nodded obediently before wrapping my fingers around the mask.

My breath hitched as Boun suddenly leaned his face close to mine. I closed my eyes shut to calm myself but opened it back when I heard a soft click.
"You forgot to fasten your seatbelt." I pressed my lips and looked down in guilt. I was embarrassed that I actually expected something to happen back there but why would Boun do something like that exactly? "Hey, why are you so nice suddenly?" I managed to muster up my courage to ask the man who was busy steering the wheel. When we came to a red light, he looked at me and spoke out, "You told to treat you nicer, didnt you?" Ah, I did indeed. I smiled shyly while playing with my phone, ignoring the hints of pink forming on my ears.

We arrived at that wealthy mall yet again and Boun pulled me to first shop that caught his eye. I was left dumbfounded as it was a whole shop dedicated to hawaiian tees. Boun pulled out a shirt and pressed it against my body. "You look good in this. I'll get one with the same pattern but different colors so we'll match." Did he really just indirectly say that he wanted couple tees? I swore my heart was about to jump out of my chest because of him. For the next hour or two, we both went on a shopping spree. I felt bad at first for letting Boun pay for them but he reassured me that it was okay. Not wanting to ruin the mood, I just gave in.

It went on for 2 hours till we felt like our legs were going to fall off. We soon settled on a restaurant at the highest level of the mall. Sure enough, it was showered with expensive decorations. I mumbled quietly to myself as I hugged my shopping bag tightly. My eyes widened when we were led to the balcony, which only had one 4 seat table available. I gently placed the bag next to me and plopped down on the seat next to it. As we ordered our extremely pricy and small portioned food, I looked around me. Hitting against the table with my clenched fist, I roared out to Boun.
"We can't stay here, its too expensive and our outfits stands out too much. How were we even able to get this table? What if it rains?" Boun sighed after arranging the cutlery on the table. "Firstly, do you know who I am? Secondly, who gives a shit? Third, I booked this table in advance and fourth, there's a shelter on top of us." His straightforwardness made me zip my mouth and bow my head down.


"It's okay. It's pretty cute that you let your thoughts out." Boun smiled as he caressed my hair. Pause.
Caressed my hair..

I moved my body back and touched my jet black hair, looking back at the chuckling man. I quickly pulled up a knife and pointed it towards him. "Don't surprise me like that next time or else.." Just in time, the waiter came with our food with a puzzled look plastered on her face. I dropped my knife and laughed nervously. After that awkward moment, I began chewing on my steak. Though it cut up in 5 pieces, I was still on the first piece after 3 minutes. Boun noticed my suffering and pressed his finger against my cheek. "Your poor chubby cheeks are going to deflate after chewing for that long. How well did you ask your steak to be cooked?" I looked at him with teary eyes and sobbed. I was practically a crying mess, in the most painful way possible.
"I don't remember.."

As we got home, I looked at the nearest mirror and massaged my cheeks, swearing to myself that I'm never going to eat a steak again. "That fucking carbon dioxide producing looking ass.." Boun went up to me with a cold glass of water and placed it in my hands. "Wanna watch a movie together?" I took down his kind offer and apologised profusely. "I'm already super exhausted from today, which I enjoyed alot and since there is going to be filming tomorrow, I want to get some sleep." Boun nodded understandingly and went to lay on the couch. I entered my bedroom and shut the door as Boun blared out some loud action movie from the living room.



ding ding ding.

Roommate [BounPrem/PremBoun]Where stories live. Discover now