Chapter 1: Beginning

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I am very lucky. But that's all there is to it. Besides that, I'm only a useless piece of trash. My talent even comes with a price. Of course, my so-called "talent" would have some sort adverse effects, it couldn't come by itself. Each wave of good luck indeed comes with an even share of bad luck. I've been accepted at Hope's Peak Academy, the amazing school where only the Ultimates can attend to. Obviously, I don't think I'm qualified to be among them, even less breathe the same air as these amazing people. A trash like me couldn't even think about being on the same level as them with a talent like mine. That's why I decided to be a stepping stone for them to walk on, for the Symbols of Hope. I don't mind to be treated like garbage if it's for the sake of hope.

All this to say that I am now coming back to school after a month of absence. Unfortunatly, I got into an accident just as classes were starting. I got hit by a car and had to stay in the hospital for a whole month. All of my injuries have fully recovered except that I am now partly colorblind. Nothing really, I just have difficulties to distinguish some colors. The greens and blues, who are the colors of nature, are the most difficult for me, leaving the outside in almost grey tones. Pretty boring. But I don't mind. Because if I have been struck by such bad luck, than really amazing good luck is about to come.

-Hey, looks like Komaeda is back. 

-Where were you this past month?

-Did something happened?

As soon as I entered the classroom, my classmates all rushed to my side, shooting me a bunch of questions all at the same time.

-Ah, it's nothing really, just got in an accident that's all. You shouldn't be worrying about someone like me.

Some returned to their seats right after I said that, annoyed by my usual self. Some others asked some more before going back as well. Of course, someone like me couldn't have any close friends who missed. It was merely curiousity that brought them to my side. Well, there was person that is kind enough to bear with me.

-Welcome back, Nagito-kun... Glad you're fine...

That person was still sitting at her desk, sprawled on it, a game console in her hands. She, however, made me the honor to lift her eyes from her game to greet me.

-You're too kind Chiaki-san, to worry about someone like me-

She then pouted an said in a somewhat qngry tone, for her tired self that is:

-Nuh-nuh, don't talk about yourself like that. I said it already.

I let out a laugh, only because that's all I do, being cheerful even when belittling myself. My eyes then shifted to the back of the classroom. Someone I had never seen before was sitting there, on the last row desk, next to the window. They were looking outside, but not at the ground, more at the sky. A small ray of sunshine entered by the window, illuminating his face, mostly covered by his tremendously long hair. Hiding between his long bangs, two red eyes. For some reasons, I could see their color really clearly, vividly. A deep, crimson red, like red spider lilies. The flower of death. These eyes, lifeless from what they had seen. I knew these eyes.

-Chiaki-san, who's that person?

I discreetly pointed them, while Chiaki-san slowly turned around to see like it was the most difficult thing she ever did.

-Oh... That's Izuru-kun. He transfered here while you were away... He's not really talkative, but he doesn't seem like a bad person...

Izuru... kun? So it was a boy... As Chiaki-san went back to her game, I couldn't control my feet and approached him. Before I even knew it, I was standing next to him. I actually repress my curiousity, but something was... different about him. I couldn't explain it, but it leaded me to take these few steps.

A Ray of Light (Nagito x Izuru fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin