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I looked over at Tommy in shock. He just said we're dating. Well, not exactly, but that's what it practically meant. Tommy's smile faded and gave me a wink. Until I realized.

He was joking. And wanted me to play along.

My heartbeat gradually slowed down as I looked back at the chat. If it wasn't exploding before, it definitely was now.


I raised my eyebrow at that last one and addressed it. "Finally? Was it really that obvious that we were dating??" I asked. I looked back at Tommy to confirm that it was acting. He signaled to turn back to the stream. I looked back at the chat.

"Omg yes Y/N"
"You guys always flirt"
"I was unsure but now it's confirmed"
"You guys were sooo obvious"

I hummed a bit, and turned back to Tommy. "Tommy, why did you have to make it so obvious?" I said jokingly.

"Me? It's you who's always flirting with me while I'm streaming. No wonder they found out." he said defensively.

I got up from the chair and started to play fight him. He backed up to his bed, and I fell on top of him as we landed on his bed. My heart started racing, our faces were closer than ever. He was looking at me for a while until he finally said something. We were already out of the camera view, so the stream wouldn't see anything.

"Good job, that looked really believable." he said softly, trying to not let his stream hear.

"What the fuck is this Tommy?" I asked.

"Just go with it, I'll explain it to you. Just- act like you're dating me."


"I'll explain. Just do it." he said flatly. I got up off him, butterflies still swirling around in my stomach. I'm pretty sure I was blushing so hard, but I guess that was a good thing, since I had to act like I was dating him. What kind of concept is this? We came back into the camera view, and I was headed to the door, until Tommy grabbed me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Not even a goodnight kiss for your loving boyfriend?" he said loudly, so that his stream could hear. It caught me so off guard, I didn't expect him to go that far as a kiss. Two can play that game.

I turned around and placed my hand on his cheek. I gave him a small kiss on his cheek. I leaned back to see his face. It was red and flustered. Mission accomplished. "There's your goodnight kiss, bitch boy." I said smirking. I turned on my heel, and walked out the door into my room. As soon as my bedroom door shut, I slid down it in utter shock.

I just kissed Tommy. ME. I. KISEED. HIM. It wasn't a full kiss though, just a kiss on the cheek, right? I needed to get my head out of the gutter, and focus. I pulled out my phone to text Tommy.

Bitch Boy Tommy 😈

Okay Tommy explain.

Okokok so I said it as a joke and I didn't actually think you'd play along

So you saying it's my fault?

Why are you saying it like its a bad thing
We could actually continue the fake dating
Fool them

Idk Tommy...

No no no listen please it'll be fun
If you ever get uncomfortable with it we can stop I promise

Seeing that made me feel just a tad better. It would be pretty funny to fool all our friends and the internet, and I wouldn't have to hide my feelings, as long as it's on video. I contemplated the plan, how it would work out, and finally decided on my answer.

~𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐴 𝐶𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒~ +SIDE STORIESWhere stories live. Discover now