Day 1

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It was another boring day of ghosting. Luke, Reggie and I sang down at the pier. We wrote a new song with Julie. All the normal stuff. Well it was normal at first.

We had just finished up the song when I got a weird feeling. The room started spinning and my head started pounding. I stood against the wall to keep myself upright. I tried to say something to get somebody's attention. I couldn't get the words out but Luke looked over.

"Alex, are you ok?" Luke said. I tried really hard to stay up but I was so dizzy and my legs felt like jello. It got really bright then all I could see was the ceiling.

Luke, Reggie and Julie ran over to me. My eyes closed as I tried to adjust to the light. I could hear someone talking but it was muffled. Like my brain wouldn't process the sound. I finally found the strength to say something.

"I- I'm ok." I said breathing heavily. I could finally make out what Luke was saying. "Alex? Can you hear me? Alex!" Luke sounded scared. I don't blame him,  I was too. "Luke don't worry. I'm fine." I said. "You are not fine!" Luke exclaimed. "You just fainted and hit your head on the table!" My head did feel a lot worse than before I fell. Reggie grabbed a chair from the loft while Julie got a cup of water. I used the table and Luke's shoulder to get myself up. I sat down and Julie handed me the cup. Ghosts can't eat but weirdly we can drink.

The spinning began to slow down and I looked up at Luke. He looked very concerned. I took a few sips of my water and put it on the coffee table. "Maybe you should lay down." Julie said. Luke helped me up again and got me over to the couch. My legs were trembling but it felt really good to lay down.

"I'm going to find Willie." Luke said. "Hopefully he can tell us why Alex is so sick. I mean we're ghosts how do ghosts get sick?" Luke poofed out before Reggie could say something. "Being sick is the worst thing about being alive. I didn't think it would happen here too." Reggie said. Julie looked at him with an annoyed face before going to find me a pillow.

I wish Reggie had gone to find Willie. I love Reggie don't get me wrong but when are people are sick Luke turns into a mom. He cared for me more than my parents did, especially that time I had a stomach flu. Julie came back with a pillow as Luke poofed back in with Willie.

"Hey Alex you don't look so good. Are you ok?" Asked Willie. "I'm fine." I said. Luke walked over to me and put his hand on my forehead. "He's got a fever now too." I had the chills but I guess my head was a little warm. "Why is Alex so sick?" Luke asked. "How can ghosts even get sick?"

Willie got a concerned look on his face. He looked at Luke then at me. "Did the room start spinning?" Willie asked. "Yes." "Did your head start pounding?" "Yeah." I said. "You didn't faint, did you?" Willie looked really scared. "He did faint." Luke said. "Willie what does this mean?"

Everyone looked really freaked out. "Show me your wrist." Willie said. "What?" I questioned. "Show me your wrist Alex!" I put my arm out to Willie. He looked at it for a minute then gasped. "What is it, Willie?" Reggie asked in fear. I don't know if it was the dizziness coming back or hitting my head on the table but my mind started to spiral. All of a sudden I was out cold. I couldn't see or hear anything and I couldn't wake myself up.

When I died again - Alex MercerWhere stories live. Discover now